Looking for a life changer

Gabrielm80 Posts: 1,458 Member
I was a typical man in his 20's. I took life for granted. 5'6'' I have never been considered tall so when I would party and drink a few too many beers or hard drinks the carbs did havoc on my body. I never expected to be over weight because I don't crave things with sugar. But where candy bars, soda, and cake might be a demon for some, I embraced local cuisine of tex mex on a daily basis. Although my life style was being a dad my body was neglected and although I wasn't a alcoholic but I know now I drank far too often with no regards the amount of carbs coming in. I started ballooning in weight and I started to contemplate that I would need to do something about it, but never prioritized it in my life. Life kinda has a way of hitting you over the head. I was at my daughters school March of 2012 when at the age of 31 I thought I was having a heart attack. Rushed to the ER it was decided that was not the case but my blood pressure was all over the place. Weeks went by and a cardiologist identified I did in fact had a 90% blockage in my heart. Promised to fix it with a stent and I could make the changes needed to improve my quality of life. After the surgery we found out finding the blockage was a happy accident because the dizzy spells I got and continue having that sent me to the er we're not caused by the blockage. So my heart patched 3 specialist 1 year later I still get dizzy when I stand for more than 10 minutes. Test after test leads no where. On paper I'm not perfect but My the cholesterol is down, liver works, gallbladder is ok, tested for diabetes and passed. It's a mystery, but my new life is now plagued with dizzy spells. I spent a year becoming weaker and weaker. I have had it I am a father of two and take car of one all day. I would love to take my 3 year old to the zoo without worrying about getting dizzy. I am not the father I want to be. I don't want to have to depend on my wife to tag along in case I can't drive because I'm dizzy. The doctors are confused, and I am tired of waiting for the magic treatment to fix it. My cardiologist had already ok'ed me for working out and yet I have been terrified to train because I have no idea when to stop because if feeling dizzy is now normal how do you know if something bad is happening. But I just passed my 1 year anniversary of my heart stint and I still weigh over 230 pounds. It's time for a change. I already gave up alcohol last year after my first spell, and probably only had 6 deep fried items in 12 months, my blood pressure medicine can cause weight gain but that excuse only works if I am not trying my best. One week in walking on the treadmill and I am still getting dizzy, but I have a feeling I am at the start of a hill that can be conquered. I just did 3 miles in one hour day 7. I can sense my body ready for change. I use to be athletic, even ran track at one point. Yes at a whopping 5'6'' I was still fast enough to be on the A team. I know I can put in the effort, only now after getting over the fear. I guess I am introducing in hopes to find an extra support system.


  • Junken_Diraffe
    Junken_Diraffe Posts: 716 Member
    Hi! I'm 32 and I know where you've been. I know where you are and how you're feeling. I had a stroke at 28, and was entirely paralyzed. I made a full recovery, and was happy with that. I have 2 stents in my left vertebral artery. After a while, I decided I wasn't happy just being able to function. I needed more. So, I decided to work on more than just basic function. It was terrifying. Those first steps are the hardest. It's been 4.5 years since my stroke, and I'm 60lbs lighter than I was, went from a size 18 to a 6, last year i was running 10k a few times a week, and am so much stronger than I've ever been in my life.

    You're here and you've started. That's the biggest step. Keep at it, and don't give up. Some days it sucks and you're tired and dizzy and just wanna say "Eff it!" I know that feeling. When I started out, I couldn't walk across a room. Literally. I ran my first ever 5k ten months, to the day, after my stroke. You can make it happen. You will make it happen.
  • tnsumner
    tnsumner Posts: 283 Member
    My name is Tiffany. I am a female in my 20s. I don't have the health problems you have, but I did weigh 230 pounds and I am 5'6". So I do understand how all that extra weight can make you feel. I don't want to scare you, but have you thought about the possibility of having cancer? I'm not sure if they checked you for that.

    Anyway, helpful tips would be... if you can't stand, I'd say do the stationary bike with the WIDE seat. My butt was not made for that skinny seat!!! You could also do some weights while sitting. Obviously squats and dead lifts would have to be standing up, but you could bicep curls and leg lifts while sitting down. That would increase your heart rate for a while to get you started.

    Also think about your diet, it could be something you are eating that is making you dizzy. Just because you aren't eating fried food doesn't mean you are eating good food. Try cutting beef and pork out of your diet. I had digestive issues until I stopped eating those. I usually eat chicken and fish. I'd also have one or two veggies with dinner every night. These will help regulate fiber and other nutrients in your body. Have a piece of fruit with breakfast (I'd say probably not a banana though).

    Think about the AMOUNT of food you eat at one time as well. Stop eating when you are full, not when your plate is cleared. I know I grew up in a house where you couldn't leave the table until you cleaned your plate. This taught me terrible eating habits. Retrain yourself to take smaller portions of potatoes and LOTS of veggies. My plate usually looks like half veggies, 1/4 protein (fish or chicken), and less than 1/4 of macaroni or potatoes or pasta.

    I'd really like to stay updated on your situation!!! Let me know if there is anything I can do to help!
  • Gabrielm80
    Gabrielm80 Posts: 1,458 Member
    I use to not get teary eyed easily before these meds. Another one of those wonderful RX side effects, but I would like to think I would still have this tear other wise. Inspiration words thank you.
  • Gabrielm80
    Gabrielm80 Posts: 1,458 Member
    I have been cutting pork down, and red meat. I have got all my Cholesterol levels down. My first day doing a food diary I had to add food to meet my goal. I think lack of movement and the body only wanting to store because I was not eating enough could be a major issue. Bly muscle mass is down, so that will be something I must work on so those muscle want to burn off energy.
  • trumpkat80
    trumpkat80 Posts: 42 Member
    Sounds like ur serious about making some healthy changes. Think baby steps here, make sure to set realistic goals. Try adding 1 healthy "new" food a wk, or going for a nice walk. Also, have they checked for an inner ear inbalence? It could definitely cause dizziness.
  • Gabrielm80
    Gabrielm80 Posts: 1,458 Member
    Inner ear yes checked. I do have vertigo which is an effect not cause. It is a combo of blood pressure dropping and raising suddenly when the blood pressure in my ear raises suddenly I look drunk walking in public. Luckily since I don't ever smell like a bar, it's an easy misunderstanding when and if a cop asks for my attention
  • Gabrielm80
    Gabrielm80 Posts: 1,458 Member
    I appreciate all the input. Let me go more in depth. So any help can come with all the info Seen a cardiologist, ear nose and throat, neurologist, and gastiologist this last year. I have been poked and drawn and scanned and made to lie down on endless amounts of tables. I cant remember every test I have done. At the beginning it seemed like blood was drawn 6 tests at a time. Cancer has been on my mind but I keep getting assured it is not it. I think it is my gallbladder going bad, but it passes the test right now so it a waiting game, does it get better or worse. I also have a fatty liver but seems to not be as much of a focus with any of my doctors. Fatty foods make me dizzy faster and for a long time so my diet has been pretty strict. In still eat Mexican food on occasion but sadly have lost a good friend flour tortilla and eat limited corn instead. Taco meat makes me tipsy so I have only cheated on that a few time. I do not have to eat greasy food to be dizzy, but it sure helps when I do. I am a at home dad so I can't afford to eat something greasy and than be unable to do anything for my daughter. We eat chicken 90% of every meal, and veggies. Today I ate out got the mixed veggies made low sodium and sauce less grilled chicken from Panda Express. The silver lining of the dizzy spells is that it identified that I'm genetically prone to high cholesterol so I could do something about it. Due to the fact my cardiologist compared my age and diet with how bad he found my blood plaque of the heart. So I have been vigilant about life changes. All that said I was eating too few calories and sitting around too much. Even when parenting I would bring a chair outside and sit as my daughter spends her energy. I gave my daughter 100% of my attention, but many times stationary. If I only stand for five minutes at a time I have a pretty decent day symptom wise, but I wasn't burning enough calories, I wasn't getting better, my body was starving just enough to store all it could, and as soon as I started bystolic for blood pressure I gained 10 pounds which is evidently normal. That why I have had it and am running on the treadmill everyday even though I feel when I get off I was just on a tilt a whirl. I don't feel better yet but I know I just cant take the bad foods out and wait to get better that didn't work. I am hopping to balance the efforts because my previous diet brought my bad cholesterol down, but wasn't working any way else.
  • tnsumner
    tnsumner Posts: 283 Member
    I LOVE TACOS!!! They are quick and easy to make. To cut down on calories, I replace the tortilla with a long piece of romaine lettuce fresh off the stalk. It's good and crunchy. Might wanna give it a try.

    I know that your health is... let's face it...worrisome. This is going to sound TERRIBLE... but they can't find anything wrong (not to say there isn't something wrong) so let's focus on your weight loss. You'd be surprised at the amount of physical problems that will fix themselves when you lose weight. My knees hurt all the time when I weighed 230 pounds. Now they never bother me after losing 60 pounds.

    One way I've found to really help with food is making a menu on Saturday with the family (I only have my boyfriend so it's easy). Go to the grocery store on Sunday for the items you'll need for the week. You'll get out of the house, walk around, and get something done. You could even have a "fun night" where your kids get to help you. Children learn about food from their parents at an early age. Involving them can only help them!! I'd also allow yourself a treat once a week or so... like a small bowl of ice cream or a few Girl Scout cookies. That way you don't feel like you never get to have goodies.
  • Gabrielm80
    Gabrielm80 Posts: 1,458 Member
    Yes I love taco salad I just have to make sure the meat is lean. Thanks for the grocery advice. I do all the shopping and I do plan the meals days in advance. I just need to start to figure out the details of the meals and enter them into the diary feature. .
  • tnsumner
    tnsumner Posts: 283 Member
    That is still hard for me to do. I've found that making a spreadsheet (with Excel or just paper) to calculate the calories is helpful. I write them down as I add the to the pot/pan. Then just divide the total calories by the serving size you're going to eat. You can just create a meal on here of whatever you've made, especially if you're going to make it again.
  • Gabrielm80
    Gabrielm80 Posts: 1,458 Member
    That is still hard for me to do. I've found that making a spreadsheet (with Excel or just paper) to calculate the calories is helpful. I write them down as I add the to the pot/pan. Then just divide the total calories by the serving size you're going to eat. You can just create a meal on here of whatever you've made, especially if you're going to make it again.
  • TravisBikes
    TravisBikes Posts: 674 Member

    "Looking for a life changer."

    Look inside.

  • tnsumner
    tnsumner Posts: 283 Member
    Okay, it's been a while since you updated us. What's been going on??
  • Gabrielm80
    Gabrielm80 Posts: 1,458 Member
    Okay, it's been a while since you updated us. What's been going on??
    Have a trainer now. Doing better. My symptoms are still here, but duller. And I have more energy so I do much better ignoring the dizzy spells. I am not losing weight but I am working out like crazy so I suspect muscles are to blame for the weight gain because I am shedding inches around my waist. 7 days a week I work out 4 of those days are hard 3 are light. I am acting as a scientist about my workouts to optimize performance and limit injury. I was just recently afraid to run too many errands alone in cause my wife would need to drive me after a spell. I am going solo to the grocery store now like I prefer. My wife is too impatient for my shopping style. It's nice to not have to waste her time if she is too tired to go.
    Still getting dizzy but like I said its at a manageable level. I feel my organs function better than they have in years. I can only hope this path leads to full resolution soon, but I am prepared for the long hall. Failure isn't an options and my goal is to remove all heart relate medications soon. Shopping around for a cardiologist that has a goal to heal not to permanently medicate forever. My recent doctor's answer to my question, "What can I do so I don't have to take these pills was."
    Was "I don't think it's a good idea to ever stop taking these pills regardless of life style changes". Considering the stress my body is on taking Crestor when I can't sleep through the night because of this extreme pain feeling like acid is in my blood, eating through my arms, chests, and legs, there has to be a better way. And I am going to find it and take it. Still on the up and up
    Thanks for asking
  • tnsumner
    tnsumner Posts: 283 Member
    I'm so proud of you!!! You are doing great!!!
  • Gabrielm80
    Gabrielm80 Posts: 1,458 Member
    Wow that was so long ago, doing better get dizzy less often and still haven't figured out exactly what it is. Had one doctor think he knew what it was but said it was all but impossible to prove.