I want to gain weight!

hi myfitnesspal users!

My name is Ruben, I am 5'9 and a mere laughable 140 pounds.. but this is going to be no more. I am starting the fitness program "P90X" on monday and arranging a 3000 calorie meal plan.

Hope all goes well.. I don't know how to do so, but if it were possible I would like to see what everyone eats so i get ideas of meals because I am not very good with the nutrition aspect of reaching one's goals.

Take care!


  • grantdumas7
    grantdumas7 Posts: 802 Member
    P90X may get you fit but is not ideal for gaining weight or getting big. You need to hit the gym and lift weights and eat a caloric surplus but not too much. You want to gain muscle with as little fat as possible.
  • rubenchitito
    rubenchitito Posts: 16 Member
    I can't go to the gym... I live in a fairly remote place and it would take me too much time and money to do it. I will be following a modification that is design to gain weight. I realize that it's not optimal to get big but it's the best I can do.
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    GOOD LUCK! You will have a harder time finding friends on here who want to GAIN weight, but we all have fitness goals if it be losing or gaining! Im here to lose weight, i have lost over 50 and have more to go.. im unsure because i wont let a number on a scale define me.. so im just losing until i decide ive lost enough! LOL! I started out weighing 246 pounds, but decided to start losing weight when i weighed 233 pounds. I currently weigh 181.7 pounds! I am eating around 1220 calories give or take.. and i exercise around 2000 calories per day (so i actually eat around 2500 calories a day)

    What are your favorite exercises? I HATE to exercise.. so i do mine in the form of cleaning, since i have massive OCD. LOL. Its nothign for me to wash walls, floors ceilings, etc.. EVERY day. LOL.. but hey.. at least i have something to show for it! HAHA!

    I have a love for animals, and i rescue cats! I am caring for 2 cats with felive HIV and Feline Leukemia and that takes up A LOT of time, and im also rescuing 2 20 days old kittens, which ive had since they were 12 hours old! They are bottle fed every 2 hours around the clock. They are SO cute!! I have 8 other cats *including the 2 sick ones* and 2 dogs.. im married and i have 2 teenagers. I also am currently taking care of my mom, who broke her hip and just had hip surgery. I go to her home about an hour away 3 days a week for about 12-15 hours a day & take the kittens with me because they need around the clock care too!

    I guess you could call me... "busy" LOL! And you can see how i burn so many calories. LOL My ultimate goal is to burn 3000 calories per day, and to finish a 5K in less than 90 minutes!! I dont set high goals or anything, do I? LOL!
  • Gabrielm80
    Gabrielm80 Posts: 1,458 Member
    My brother and I are night and day. He is your height and about you weight. In high school he would work his but off lifting weights eating like crazy and would still be skinny. I would eat only what was giving at meals and work out a few times a week and get a six pack, bulk up in the arms and become an unmovable rock.. The thing is my brother was fit, strong, and could whip my butt but never bulked up like I could and so he has felt he has ever looked the part. Working out will have it benefits. And it's a good idea picking someone's brain that is of the same body type and a like minded goal, this site might find you that person. but enjoy the body your in. I hope you all the luck with it, just be careful, if your body just doesn't want to bulk up, tone up.
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    Just make sure the 3,000 calories you are eating are good foods like healthy fats and proteins. 3,000 calories of junk food is no good.
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    P90X may get you fit but is not ideal for gaining weight or getting big. You need to hit the gym and lift weights and eat a caloric surplus but not too much. You want to gain muscle with as little fat as possible.

    I think getting fit, and healthy is a great place to start! You cant jump leaps and bounds in a day!

    Take things slow.. remember healthy is your main goal! I was thin.. 125 pounds at the age of 24 hardly any body fat on me when i had my first stroke. Skinny doesnt mean healthy either!

    Learn to eat properly. Dont shovel junk down your throat! Getting fat isnt going to help you at ALL! You dont need a gym to lift. Look at the local good will stores and other thrift shops! I see free weights here ALL the time! Keep your eyes peeled also on facebook and craigslist for them listed!

    This isnt a race! Its a marathon! Slow & steady! You will get there... dont get wrapped up in a bunch of shakes, suppliments & other crap. Get on a GOOD vitamin from your DOCTOR and ask him for a bulking calorie diet. Low in fat, low in sodium. He or she can give you exactly what you need. Lean proteins. Remember to take your vitamin E to help rebuild and replinish your muscle tears and sprains at night when you work out. Its very important. Protein powder shakes can also help you, but dont take them as meal replacements. Get your protein from FOODS! Only use them for extra suppliments for your muscles.

    All in all, talk to your doctor before you start. You can do your body a LOT of good, but you can also break it down. Get your blood checked, and get it checked often and if you feel bad in ANy way.. go get a check up!

    Good luck!
  • rubenchitito
    rubenchitito Posts: 16 Member
    Just make sure the 3,000 calories you are eating are good foods like healthy fats and proteins. 3,000 calories of junk food is no good.

    You are absolutely right. I am will be getting everything from clean sources. Junk food not only will make me fat but my energy will decrease. I once tried to gain weight with a "see food" diet.. and nearly everything I saw was junk. It got me up 15 pounds so that was good right? hell no, I was skinny fat with a high pressure for a 19 year old and my health was at it's worst, I felt sick. This is one of the main reasons I am here.. to make sure I eat what is right and know what i am getting in my mouth.
  • rubenchitito
    rubenchitito Posts: 16 Member
    P90X may get you fit but is not ideal for gaining weight or getting big. You need to hit the gym and lift weights and eat a caloric surplus but not too much. You want to gain muscle with as little fat as possible.

    I think getting fit, and healthy is a great place to start! You cant jump leaps and bounds in a day!

    Take things slow.. remember healthy is your main goal! I was thin.. 125 pounds at the age of 24 hardly any body fat on me when i had my first stroke. Skinny doesnt mean healthy either!

    Learn to eat properly. Dont shovel junk down your throat! Getting fat isnt going to help you at ALL! You dont need a gym to lift. Look at the local good will stores and other thrift shops! I see free weights here ALL the time! Keep your eyes peeled also on facebook and craigslist for them listed!

    This isnt a race! Its a marathon! Slow & steady! You will get there... dont get wrapped up in a bunch of shakes, suppliments & other crap. Get on a GOOD vitamin from your DOCTOR and ask him for a bulking calorie diet. Low in fat, low in sodium. He or she can give you exactly what you need. Lean proteins. Remember to take your vitamin E to help rebuild and replinish your muscle tears and sprains at night when you work out. Its very important. Protein powder shakes can also help you, but dont take them as meal replacements. Get your protein from FOODS! Only use them for extra suppliments for your muscles.

    All in all, talk to your doctor before you start. You can do your body a LOT of good, but you can also break it down. Get your blood checked, and get it checked often and if you feel bad in ANy way.. go get a check up!

    Good luck!

    I don't know if my doctor would help me out to be honest... BUT i sure am learning a lot from the experience of others and from this website's tools.. so I think i will be fine on that aspect.

    I agree with you that i should get everything from food. There is too many supplements and things that don't really help and the best way to get your nutrients is from nature not a lab.
  • eireannyoung
    eireannyoung Posts: 154 Member
    Feel free to add me if you wish. I am on here to gain weight as well. I'm not bulking, exactly, but definitely trying to gain some muscle so I can be healthy and strong. : )
  • eireannyoung
    eireannyoung Posts: 154 Member
    If you search the groups here there is one called "Gaining Weight" and you'll find some good support there