I still feel fat.......

I was walking back from my work out class (Body Combat) on Thursday evening, still in all my work out gear. I was all sweaty and red in the face as I was walking up hill for the 30min walk back home. Some guys drove past in their car actually opened their car door and shouted fatty bum bum. I was so distraught and just kept walking, I really wanted to cry. I have gone from a size UK 20 to a size 14 yet STILL feel as fat as I did then. I am feeling very 'all other the place at the moment' because one minute I am on a high and the next I am on a low. Yesterday I went with my sister to get her hair cut and her hair dresser is the same one as mine (I hadn't been to her in about 9 months) she said I looked great and couldn't believe how much I had lost. Of course this made me feel a bit better in myself but there is always the bad comments etched in my mind.

Does anyone else feel like your emotions go from one extreme to the next?!!.....


  • HollyWalle
    HollyWalle Posts: 31 Member
    That guy was a inmature jerk!! Sounds like he would have called anyone that if they were or not.
    People are going to be nasty, because they are jealous. He was probably jealous that you are out walking and his lazy bum is in a car. Dont let those type of people bring you down, use the emotions to fuel your success further. By the looks of it you have had amazing success already!
    Keep up the hard work and congratulations on your success this far!
  • judye00
    judye00 Posts: 1 Member
    NO no no.......keep those negative thoughts out of your head and replace them with all positive. Yes, I know it may be hard to do but we cannot have those negative comments control the way we feel about ourselves. You should feel very proud of your accomplishments, it really takes a lot to go down 6 sizes......wow that is really an accomplishment. CONGRATULATIONS, keep up the hard work.
  • PartyPerson
    PartyPerson Posts: 116 Member
    A size 20 to a size 14...that's amazing! Well done. I bet you look fantastic. We all see our faults before we see our beauty - and we all need to learn to look at the good parts of us, not just the bits we want to change. If you haven't already seen it check out the latest dove advert:

  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    the guy doesn't matter to you so his comment doesn't get to be important xx

    Keep up the amazing work xx You're awesome
  • ParkerH47
    ParkerH47 Posts: 463 Member
    Some people can be so horrible!! The only people like that are the ones who have serious ego and self esteem problems themselves they bring others down to make themselves feel better.

    You have made some amazing progress try remembering that you are doing this for yourself and no one else - so while even if you have low days and high days if in the long run you keep up the great work you are still a success!!

    Good luck keep your chin up and try to only value opinions in your life that matter - yours and the one's you love!
  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    I have days like this too so can totally relate to how you feel. I agree with everyone else he doesn't matter, I often get comments shouted when I am out running but I ignore them because I am at least keeping active and you can bet their not. You have made great progress keep it up and try to replace the negatives with a positive. I need to listen to my own advice because I am my own worst critic. You are amazing please believe that.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    People are idiots. What kind of person would take the trouble to shout that to someone - a stranger - whatever the size of the person?? Put it this way, not the kind of person that you should be paying any attention to. There will always be people who feel the need to do something like that (I have no idea why) and it can be upsetting, but please, don't place any importance whatsoever on comments like that.

    People like that will pick on any tiny little thing (like school bullies) or even on something that's not really there just to make themselves feel better. The risk of that happening doesn't disappear when you lose weight - anyone and everyone can be a target. Think of school kids and who gets bullied - the fat ones, the skinny ones, the ones with different coloured skin, the ones with medical conditions that make them different, the too-clever ones, the too-pretty ones, the girls that have lots of boyfriends, the boys that are too shy to talk to girls... anyone really. Confidence has a lot to do with it, but I've even seen kids that start out with high confidence and self esteem be targeted. The issue isn't with them, it's with the bullies, idiots, so forget them and their opinion!


    As for the feeling fat thing, I get it. I'm a UK size 10/12 (depending on different brands, sometimes even an 8 in jeans) and I still have days where I feel just as fat as I did at a UK 22/24. The brain is a funny thing and it can really take time for how you see yourself to catch up with what you actually look like. You've done an amazing job - you've lost a lot of weight and 3 dress sizes. You should be really proud. I believe 14 is the average size in the UK! And, you still have some more to go, so where you are now is just one step on the path to where you're going to be. You'll get there, and you'll look fabulous, and you might still have days where you wobble and feel like you haven't made progress, and that's normal, but overall it's a wonderful feeling! Just keep at it girl! :flowerforyou: