not losing any fat / water weight / please help

hey guys

hope you're all working hard and moving one step closer to your goals ;)

i unfortunately am having a hard time doing that..

ive been on the PALEO diet since january and working out 3-5x a week (treadmill / elliptical / machines / abs / spin class / kickboxing class) and i have only lost a total of 6 lbs from when i started.

im 5'6 ... started at 164 and last weekend i was at 158.5 however, i just weighed myself yesterday and it says 163. ... so this whole time im assuming its just been water weight that i've been loosing?

i never go out to eat, i dont drink or smoke, i dont eat junk food - just lean meat (chicken turkey fish ) sometimes mixed meat meatballs and always veggies / avocados, etc. and i always eat within my food portions -im always on a strict schedule with my work so my food / meals are always planned. snacks are always either an orange / almonds or walnuts

ive gotten my blood rests done more than once and i dont have a thyroid why am i having such a hard time?

im so committed to loosing the weight too, i decline going out often strictly for the reason of trying to loose weight. also i sleep roughly 8-9 hrs a day.

i do notice that im toniing up though - but my thighs are still the same ..nothing is decreasing and im so confused.

if anyone can give me some advice i would truly appreciate it. i really need help :(


  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    First, 6lbs in ~3 months is roughly .5lbs per week, which is progress. Even if it's slower than you want, progress is still progress and shouldn't be discounted.

    With that said, you make no mention of how much you're eating or what kind of deficit you are maintaining. With your diary closed, it's impossible to offer any meaningful help. But if you want to lose weight faster, you need to eat less.
  • SenseiCole
    SenseiCole Posts: 429 Member
    I cant veiw your tracker however I have asked to be your friend

    some reason for not lossing

    not eating enought or eating too much
    not exerising or exercises are building muscle
    not drinking enough water
    lack of sleep
  • lknjohnson
    lknjohnson Posts: 351 Member
    I'm having the same problem as well. I decided to switch up my workout routine and see if that help. I completely feel the frustration. Trust!. It can be kind of discouraging.
  • Here is what a typical day looks like:

    4:30am wake up
    5:00 am HARD BOILED EGG & maybe a piece (or two) of GLUTEN FREE TOAST if I'm hungrier than usual
    5:50 bus to work
    6:45 get to gym
    7-8:30 GYM (I try to alternate between treadmill / elliptical ) and then I alternate days between arms and abs after cardio - I must say my cardio endurance has increased tremendously. I'm able to run 3 miles in 30 mins .. Running at a speed between 5.9-6.2mph
    POST WORKOUT: almond milk, almond butter, protein powder (15g), banana (and sometimes 1/4 c blueberries)
    10:00 work starts
    11:30 snack: WALLABY ORGANIC PLAIN GREEK YOGURT - I add in 2-3 chopped strawberries and about 5-6 almonds
    1:30/2: LUNCH: 2-3 oz of meat; usually grilled chicken or tuna / always with cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, sprig mix and sometimes ill as 2 oz of sweet potatoes
    Snack: usually an orange
    5: DINNER: similar to lunch, nothing too different -
    8/9: in bed & asleep

    Do you think I should keep it simple with my protein shakes? Maybe just do a water and powder blend with a banana instead of almond milk? I think my food intake is okay , maybe I need to lift more after my cardio..

    Thank u guys