I am going to do it this time!

Hey, I'm 20 years old, I've been struggling with my weight my entire life, I was a 'chubby' child and since then have been failing diets.
Last year I got down to my goal weight, I felt amazing, I looked amazing. I was fitter and happy, I felt confident in myself and the way I looked. However, since then I have put on 2 stone, I am still way way lighter than I once was, I don't feel like I look horrendous but I definitely don't feel 'slim'. For a couple of months I have been aware that I needed to do something, but I wanted to eat! I couldn't be bothered with having to think about it. This was until last week, when a girl I used to be friends with wrote on her blog saying 'omg you got fat again', most definitely aimed at me. I shouldn't have even been looking at it, she was bound to be saying nasty things about me. But now, I'm glad I did, because this is my inspiration. I am going to lose the weight and maintain so I can prove to her and myself that I am not fat. I've just done my first week of dieting, I've been eating way less, thinking more about the amount of crap I put in my body and I feel so much better. I have lost 5lbs, and every ounce is down to that one sentance i read on a website. So, to you, Girl X, here's a thankyou, you were trying to hurt me and make me feel worthless but instead you have empowered me, this is my time, and in 3 months time, i will have lost the weight and you will still be mean and spiteful!


  • I'm 20 as well, and in the process of getting to my ideal body! It's so awesome that you're back on the path of health and fitness. You've been at your ideal weight before, and there's no doubt you can do it again. Especially since you have emotional motivation to help fuel your journey. I love those angry workouts where I imagine people that hurt me in some way. BEST FUEL EVER. Not only do I go hard during those workouts, but it's such a great stress reliever.
    Best of luck to you and your progress!

  • ddky
    ddky Posts: 381 Member
    Good luck to you. And I hope that spiteful girl gets warts.
  • thanks guys! its really good feeling in control of my food again. I think ill email her a picture when I get there! her face hella me run further such good motivation