Advice for Flat foot runner

Just found out that my step daughter has flat foot syndrome and I am wondering if anyone has any advice on what running shoes would work best for this condition, what strength exercises would be recommended, and any general advice would be appreciated.

She would like to continue running and will be fitted for orthotics soon!



  • cjh022
    cjh022 Posts: 88 Member
    I am fairly new to running but I do have flat feet. Make sure she has shoes built for support, of course all the cute shoes are made for neutral feet :ohwell: I love my asics nimbus and they seem to be a little easier on the wallet then some others I've seen...Going to a running store to have her evaluated and fitted would be the best idea. good luck!
  • WTF7
    WTF7 Posts: 140 Member
    Flat feet run in my family -almost everyone who was "blessed" with them has gotten special orthotics inserts for their shoes. It has worked well.
  • jsiricos
    jsiricos Posts: 340 Member
    While she's sitting watching TV have her "exercise" her toes.

    Bare feet (easiest to start) pick up pencils not between her toes, um.. along her toes, aghh I know what I mean, how to explain..
    place pencil above toes on floor, place toes over pencil lengthwise, and try to pick it up, once you manage it pull foot up high as you can, with heel on the floor, still holding pencil (or pen)

    Thats what Dr had me do, I now have a nice arch ;)
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Vibram 5 Fingers or barefoot. That was my solution after years of crazy blisters and sore feet.
  • mrk1185
    mrk1185 Posts: 44 Member
    Vibram 5 Fingers or barefoot. That was my solution after years of crazy blisters and sore feet.

    Some folks in my family are flat footed. I have heard that running barefoot or in minimal shoes can actually cause your arch to strengthen and raise...

    Good luck with whichever route you choose!
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    I like both the Brooks Trance and Brooks Pure Cadence. If she's going to be running seriously, you should take her to a running store to get fitted.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    A running specialist would be the best place to get fitted for a pair suited to her gait.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Vibram 5 Fingers or barefoot. That was my solution after years of crazy blisters and sore feet.

    Some folks in my family are flat footed. I have heard that running barefoot or in minimal shoes can actually cause your arch to strengthen and raise...

    Good luck with whichever route you choose!

    My wife pointed this out to me not too long ago. I actually have an arch now and I had none before. I hate sounding like a nut job, but this is one area where I tend to. Go barefoot if you can. I'm spoiled because I live on the beach and can run barefoot. I used the 5 fingers much more often when I was living in a major city. If she does this though, have her build up distance very slowly. It takes time to build up the strength in the feet and calves.

    Edit: typo
  • shellbell1993
    shellbell1993 Posts: 315 Member
    Thanks so much everyone for the great advice! We will explore these shoe options and exercises! She competes in Cross county races as well and is wanting to run marathon's when she gets some smaller races under her belt (She is almost 13).
    We have a 5K run next weekend!!
  • When making a decision on how to treat your daughters flat feet you need to understand that flat feet are caused by one thing. Weak, atrophied foot muscles. There are forty intrinsic foot muscles that are responsible for the height and more importantly the strength and functionality of the foot. These foot muscles need to be stimulated and exercised regularly just like every other muscle in the body if you want to maintain a healthy functional arch. Studies have shown that children in shoe wearing societies are born with healthy feet and by age nine they have lost 50 of the foot functionality. I hear from people every week that they were born with flat feet. I ask them if they were born with arm muscles,a six pack and chest muscles. In unshod countries 3% of the population seek medical help for foot,knee and back problems where 85% in shod seek help. Unfortunately the foot wear and foot care industries have feed you a lot of misinformation that states that the foot needs to cushioned,supported or braced in order to be healthy. If you Google Websters Dictionary description of an Orthotic it will accurately tell you that it is a brace for a dysfunctional joint or muscles designed to permanently immobilize. This practice was abandoned by modern medicine in the early 1900's for every other part of the body. It is well documented that permanently cushioning or supporting muscles or joints forces the muscle and joint into atrophy and dysfunction. The shoe fitting teams in most cases will tell you that because your daughter has flat ,atrophied , dysfunctional feet that she needs to wear shoes that restrict her feet and accommodate her dysfunction.
    Correcting her feet is really simple. The ancient art of exercise and allowing for as close as possible to full range of motion will not only fix her immediate problem but also ensure that she will be in the 3% injury bucket throughout her life. Walking Barefoot in the sand or grass will strengthen her feet as well as the many foot exercise programs that you can find on the web. The Barefoot Science foot strengthening insoles will provide the same level of "proprioceptive "strengthening feedback that she will need with every step and will reduce her skin on the ground or plantar surface area by 36% over a six to twelve week period.

    For her shoes the recommendations for Vibrams or any of the new "Minimalistic" flexible shoes are great. The only problem is that even the thinnest of shoes insulates those natural proprioceptors that engage and stimulate the muscles so you need to add the BFS insoles to those as well. A simple test to understand this would be to run a pencil along your hand or foot and then retest with a piece of paper over your hand or foot. You will find a significant drop in sensation or Proprioceptive feedback.
    These new shoes are great because they do not restrict the foot but do not run in them until she has reached level three of the strengthening system and she has the foot strenght to handleit .. If you look at the SEMG report you will see that as soon as turn the foot muscles back on that all of the gait ,balance and stability muscles have a dramatic increase in strength and efficiency. You would get the same results if she walked barefoot.

    Good Luck!
  • shellbell1993
    shellbell1993 Posts: 315 Member
    Thank you so much for the detail message!!! Will look into this