Shin pain when I put my running shoes on

I know it most likely means I need new shoes, but I wanted to hear what other people thought. I have two pairs of stability running shoes (I apparently overpronate when running) that have less than 200 miles on them each. I've had them for years, but because of injury and life, they haven't gotten the use they were meant for. Both I got at different specialty running stores and the newer ones (Mizuno wave inspire 7s) I got after being recorded on a treadmill and having my stride analyzed.

I stopped running last November when I thought I had shin stress fractures in both shins. I have cross trained occasionally for last 5 months and two weeks ago I tried to run again using very conservative walk/run intervals. The first 2 runs were fine but the third time I started feeling that familiar dull pain along the inside of my left shin. I waited about a week before trying to jog again but the moment I got to gym, my shin started hurting JUST FROM STANDING! Now, this is not the excruciating pain I felt before, it is very low key and dull, but I am scared to injure myself again. What should I do? I'm disheartened at the possibility of having to buy new running shoes because they are so expensive and because it would mean I've been ill-advised every time I've gone to a running store (I've bought 3 pairs of running shoes in the last 3 years and none of them have gotten that many miles before causing me pain).

I'm just frustrated and looking for some help, thanks!