3 day Diet Menu

I have a great three day Diet Manu that will help you jumpstrat to lose weight
it has worked for me if you follow exactly the manu eat for the tree days and healthy the rest of the week you can lose up to 2 pounds
a week and with exercise even more I usually do walking and been losing 2 to 3 a week
only do the diet menu once a week
good Luck .

Diet Menu for 3 Days Drink 8,8oz glasses of water a day

Day 1

1 cup of coffee or tea unsweetened
1/2 cup Grapefruit juice
1 slice of wheat bread toasted
1 tsp peanut butter

Dinner 2 pieces grilled meat any kind
1 cup steamed carrots
1 cup vanilla Ice cream for the first day

Day 2

1 cup of coffee or tea unsweetened
1 boiled egg
1 wheat bread toasted
1/2 banana

1 cup of tuna
5 saltine crackers
1 cup of coffee or tea unsweetened

1 Chicken breast grilled
1 cup steamed broccoli
1/2 cup steamed carrots
1/2 banana
1/2 cup vanilla ice cream.

Day 3

1 cup of coffee or tea unsweetened
5 crackers 1 slice american cheese

1 boiled egg
1 slice of wheat bread toasted
1 cup of coffee or tea unsweetened

1 cup of tuna
1 cup steamed carrots
1 cup of cantaloupe
1 cup vanilla ice cream


  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Each of those days is only 800-900 calories so yes, you will loose lbs but it will be mostly water weight. Since its only 3 days I wont tirade into starvation mode facts. If you feel it is a good motivator to kick start a diet but by all means, but please don’t follow this diet for an extended period of time.

    I tried the grapefruit diet out as a guinea pig for my coworkers a couple weeks ago. Its 12 days with no carbs which means also no fruit (any diet that eliminate important food groups is not a healthy way to loose weight). I only survived 5 days. The lack of carbs in your diet really takes a huge toll on your body. For me, not in energy but in mood. I didn’t want to maintain the depressed feeling you have to be so limited in food, it was a horrible way to live. Of course in 5 days I lost 4 lbs and on day 6 they were back by eating normally so its up to the individual whether these short crash diets will be a motivator or lead to depression from yo-yo’ing.