I will have loose skin.



  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    But have any of you done it at MY age (60's) and didn't have loose skin?? This is my big worry.
  • JeneticTraining
    JeneticTraining Posts: 663 Member
    I actually HAD loose skin. I have lost 30 pounds. I had loose skin on my arms and belly. I just do free weights and core strengthening workouts. Also, cocoa butter is your best friend. :)

    I do not have loose skin anymore.
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    has nothing to do with genetics and how long u wa s over weight. toning exercise s that tone stomach - crunches
  • TigressPat
    TigressPat Posts: 722
    has nothing to do with genetics and how long u wa s over weight. toning exercise s that tone stomach - crunches

    uh... no
  • amyk0202
    amyk0202 Posts: 667 Member
    has nothing to do with genetics and how long u wa s over weight. toning exercise s that tone stomach - crunches

    Not at all true. If your skin is stretched by being morbidly obese (like I was), you cannot exercise it back into shape. It is either elastic enough to recover in a couple of years, or it is not & this varies greatly from person to person. You can definitely exercise & tone the muscle under the skin, but many people still have loose skin in the belly, under the arms, & the thighs that only surgery can really resolve. I have skin around my middle & on my thighs that I am hoping will shrink back, but if not I'll have surgery to correct it. Even without the surgery, I look so much better in my clothes & am so much happier that it's well worth it. I think about this every time I run up the stairs & my thigh skin flaps---happy I can now run up the stairs, grossed out by the skin :frown: .
  • purple_power61
    purple_power61 Posts: 59 Member
    This is an interesting topic and one that I needed to read because in my head I tell myself to lose the weight slowly and be patient!
  • SweetestLibby
    SweetestLibby Posts: 607 Member
    has nothing to do with genetics and how long u wa s over weight. toning exercise s that tone stomach - crunches

    FALSE!! This is just not at all true.

    OP, moisturize and LIFT. It will help reduce the amount of loose skin. I've lost almost 100 lbs - 5 foot 4 and a small frame and I have some loose skin around my middle, hips, and butt. The skin does not shrink back as fast as you are able to lose the weight. Slower weight loss actually helped limit the amount of loose skin that I had and it's getting better with more lifting.
  • ltowns11
    ltowns11 Posts: 134 Member
    Agreed! The slow weight lose is looking so much better now!!!!

    Seeing you guys saying that losing slowly helps reduce loose skin makes me a little thankful that I only lost 30 lbs last year!
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    The number one thing that accounts for skin elasticity is age! How fast you lose weight does nothing for skin elasticity. It only seems that way because the skin will adhere back to your body very slowly. To give you an idea of how slow, skin elasticity is known to take up to 2 years to adhere back to a body of a pregnant woman but again, your age will play a huge roll into how fast this process works. Primary example, pinch a new born baby and watch his cheeks snap right back into place but pinch an 80 year old man and watch his skin sag. Your skin will begin to lose it's elasticity after the age 30. I forgot the rate on how fast skin elasticity degrades but just know that it does after the age of 30. I'm sorry people but there is no known fountain of youth other than keeping your skin moist and making sure you have enough vitamins that help your skin. However, it is believed by some people that HGH proteins help. You can increase your HGH proteins by doing HIIT workouts, sleeping, and fasting. Fasting has shown to increase HGH proteins by as much as 2000% in men after a 24 hour period.
  • fresh_start59
    fresh_start59 Posts: 590 Member
    The number one thing that accounts for skin elasticity is age!

    I'm screwed. I had better prepare myself for a face of a Shar Pei and the ankles of an elephant. I've already got the bat wings.
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    The number one thing that accounts for skin elasticity is age!

    I'm screwed. I had better prepare myself for a face of a Shar Pei and the ankles of an elephant. I've already got the bat wings.

    I'm sorry to hear that. There is always surgery but I really wish there was such a thing as a fountain of youth.
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    i have 0 wrinkles on my face but my baby belly still looks like a deflated balloon :smile:
  • cng31183
    cng31183 Posts: 126 Member
    I'm keeping my fingers crossed and hitting the moisturizers. Was overweight for 5 years starting when i turned 20 then became morbidly obese for 5 more years. Just turned 30 in march so I'm seriously hoping it wont be bad...
  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    just keep it up and get healthy. That is the priority regardless of loose skin. Cross that bridge when you get there.
  • bethanemaddox
    I have just read all the replies on this topic. All very interesting and some great advice.. It is something that really worries me, played on my mind quite a lot but as some have said would prefer the saggy skin then the weight. Can at least hide the skin easier than huge, wobbly tummy... Fingers crossed surgery wont be needed but sticking to losing slowly and will hit the weights more and keep hydrated. :)