Ab. Mucsles strained


My name is Hala,
About 12 days i was doing some ab twists, and suddenly I felt a horrible tension
Dr. Said that my upper muscle got strained..
Its been 12 days and haven't fully recovered ????
I've been advised to just walk, do elliptical machine, but no ab workouts
Did anyone go thru the same, and when did it get better?



  • Machafin
    Machafin Posts: 2,988 Member
    Abominable strains can take a long time to recover because it is involved in a lot of activities. I suggest taking it easy for a while, not sure how long it will take as I don't know the severity of the injury.
  • Requiembell
    Requiembell Posts: 106 Member
    Abominable strains can take a long time to recover because it is involved in a lot of activities. I suggest taking it easy for a while, not sure how long it will take as I don't know the severity of the injury.

    This is true. Walking. Is good, but go easy on the core. Eat your protein and get lots of rest. It will repair if you take care of yourself
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    i usually book strains down for 6 weeks. maybe i take 3 weeks off from any direct work, and then ease back into for 3 weeks before going back full bore. each instance is different and some areas heal slower than others. keep in mind that if you don't give it enough time, the setback you may get will be worse than the original injury. take it easy on your midsection on work out other parts of your body for a while
  • thecakelocker
    thecakelocker Posts: 407 Member
    Happened to me, it took about 2 weeks for the pain to fade enough for me to be able to stand up, get out of bed, walk, etc without pain. After that probably 2 weeks more to ease back into regular workouts and another two weeks to get back to high impact sports. I still feel tightness in the affected muscles if I don't stretch before exercising. "Cobra pose" is the best (that's the DDP yoga name anyways, not sure of the regular yoga name).
  • ajajhm
    ajajhm Posts: 3
    Thanks all for ur wonderful replies..
    I guess I'll give it another week to 10 days to heal