Thought I may as well say hi!

I'm currently 18 years old, 5 foot 6.5 inches tall. I weighed 126 pounds when I joined MyFitnessPal two weeks ago. I'm aiming to lose about a stone because I feel like over the past year I've become flabbier as I've been really sedentary and I went through a phase of overeating and binging occasionally.

I walk about 3 miles a day five days a week and have cut down my calories to a net of 1200 a day. I'm not eating super clean, but I'm eating healthier than I was before, and I've cut out the unnecessary junk. I weighed myself on Monday and I've lost 2.75 pounds so far. I know some of that is probably water weight, but I already feel better about myself. I'm much less bloated than I was before and I could swear that my clothes are sliggghtly looser. :)

So yeah, hopefully I'll reach my goal weight over the next couple of months! I love this website. It's so motivational. :smile:
