Spend my B-Day Money... Polar H7 or... what??

I've got a bit of money to spend for my birthday, and I'm at a loss as to what to get that's useful and practical. I was originally thinking of getting new workout clothes, but not since they're not going to fit in a couple of months it's not worth it. I have a Polar FT4, which tracks the very basics... so I was thinking of an H7 to get even more data since I'm kind of a data junkie. Plus, the watch gets in the way when I'm doing strength stuff. But, I feel ridiculous having two HRMs, and DH wont use the FT4 even though I have an unused strap for him.

I have all the kitchen stuff I'll ever need -- including a good food scale. I have all the kettlebells I'll need for awhile... I just got new running shoes... I'm seriously at a loss. I *could* get one of those Zoku pop makers, but I'm not sure if it's something I'd use regularly and it might just take up space.

Any suggestions???