I feel guilty

jlo7 Posts: 45
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I usually do my weigh- ins on Friday mornings and if I lost weight I usually make that my "free day" and eat something that I've been holding back on. I've done this for the last 4 weeks and I've still been losing weight. The most I ever went over on my calories on my "free day" was about 900 calories. Well last night, the kids and my husband decided they wanted to go to Mc Donald's and I ended up going over my calories by about 1500!! not to mention the fat, carbs and sodium too. I felt like crap after I ate the large fries, chicken nuggets and shake. What do I do today, other than work out like crazy? Should I try to eat less? I am really hoping to lose another pound or two next friday.


  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,003 Member
    What do I do today...?
    Just eat well and exercise normally, and commit to not doing that again (and stick to it).
  • mhannan13
    mhannan13 Posts: 53
    Just reign in your calories today, overload on water and workout. You can totally still lose weight this week. Don't be discouraged, your body can handle it and who knows, it might shock your system a little bit and end up helping you out. I've noticed that when I'm restricting calories and being very regimented, if I have a high calorie meal I can usually end up losing more because my body feels like it has more calories available to burn.
  • pamw22
    pamw22 Posts: 77
    Jlo7 dont feel guilty :cry: it can happen! Today jus try to drink as much water as possible and tea with no sugar. One day is one day. It happens next time just have a bite like make sure to have some... a little.. cuz if you refrain from it its only going to lead you to indulge on the food. Dont worry loook how far you have come. And we are all here to help you :heart:
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Yeah, eat and exercise like you normally would. Definitely drink extra water to help flush all that sodium out of your system.
  • agree with everyone above. just to be sure the next time you go to mcdonald get the salad. i rather you go over a little than a tons.
    last time i had a mcdonald i got the salad. yes the sodium wasnt that bad. and the protein is great and the calories without the dressing was 220 calories. so you can still eat there. just order a salad and not a meal.
  • spaul82478
    spaul82478 Posts: 709 Member
    I agree with the above statements.... don't deprive yourself of what you like.. JUST in moderation. I used to get a LARGE BLIZZARD... now I get a small once in a while... when in the mood.... so then I don't crave it..

    ON going over that bad in one day... just start back over today like it never happend... EVERYONE DOES IT.... changing your life eatin habits does not mean that once in a while u can't splurge. To me THIS IS NOT A DIET... ITS A LIFE CHANGING EVENT :)

    Go on today like you would normally, maybe do a little extra work out if you feel bad, but today IS NEW DAY :)

  • jlo7
    jlo7 Posts: 45
    Thank You everyone for your support. I will try to forget about it and start over. My problem was that I was eating it just to eat it because it was my "free day" I need to get over the food obsession. Next Friday, I will definitely control myself better.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Drink a ton of water! :happy:
  • MacguyverMommy
    MacguyverMommy Posts: 104 Member
    I totally understand and empathize. I went out "for drinks" with my husband and a friend last night.... I knew it would end badly and it did. I went over about 900 calories too. Today I am really focusing on eating healthy and I will exercise too. Unfortuneatly I cant work our "harder" though because of my headache. :noway:
    BUT- I will def exercise to break a sweat and just really stay within my caloric limit today. One day at a time....


    Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after another.

    ~ Walter Elliott
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