Really worried about my wellbeing..something is wrong.

I don't post very often but I check the forums everyday. Normally when I need answers I find them in previous posts by other members. In this case right now I felt I needed to post a new topic. If someone who works in healthcare knows what might be going on..I am begging you to please let me know..or even someone who might have gone through the same thing.

Here is what's going on. I am 23..weight 222 and im 5 foot case it matters. I've lost 43 lbs altogether so far. I had my period a couple weeks ago and it lasted 7 to 8 days..I've never had a period that long..and my TOM jjst became regular a couple months ago after years of being irregular and only lasting 4 days every time. So the last menstruation freaked me out enough being so long and super heavy. Anyway my weigjt loss has slowed the past week and I even gained 1 lb but have lost more inches..I do 40 minute circuit training 6 days a week and I eat healthy daily and drink lots of water. I net anywhere from 1000 to 1100 after burning 537 calories each day..I am always full and satisfied. My weight loss has been steady before this week..the thing that is really worrying me is the fact that I started to see blood today..and it is not suppose to be happening right now..I had my TOM I am really worried..I am also sweating a lot and my head is killing me. I am already planning to ask my doctor to refer me to a gynecologist if this persists but I just need to know if anybody might know what is going on? I am really concerned about this. Thank you in advance and I apologize if this post is confusing or too is hard to focus right now.


  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    You should see a doctor. No one on the internet is qualified to give you medical advice on a forum.
  • lizgordon286
    Sometimes weight loss and changes in diet can have an affect on your cycle. I would see an ob/gyn to follow up as bleeding can be a number of things other than your period. Better to seek the advice of a professional!
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    You should see a doctor. No one on the internet is qualified to give you medical advice on a forum.

    ^^^This. Call your doctor and get that referral. What you can do right now is call a local hospital (or google it) for their Ask-a-Nurse line (many hospitals offer this free service). Then describe your symptoms to the nurse you speak to. They can advise you on whether or not you need to be immediately seen in the emergency room or if it can wait until you see the doctor.
  • Willowana
    Willowana Posts: 493 Member
    Way too many variables with missed or extended periods. It can be weight/exercise related, or it can be a whole host of other issues. You should definitely get yourself checked out to be sure.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    I would also suggest seeing a doctor. You're obviously very worried about it, and the internet isn't really a good place to get a diagnosis. If you don't have health insurance or cannot afford to go, try Planned Parenthood or another clinic.
  • PepperWorm
    PepperWorm Posts: 1,206
    NETTING 1000-1100 calories, regardless of how full you feel, ain't doing you any favors for weight loss.

    This is a question best left to a OB/GYN.
  • 5n0wbal1
    5n0wbal1 Posts: 429 Member
    You should see a doctor. No one on the internet is qualified to give you medical advice on a forum.

    This. ^^ Definitely.
  • Salty510
    Salty510 Posts: 121 Member
    ^^^ Exactly what she said. Call that nurse line, hun. Just to be safe.
  • LoveDreamSmile
    Thank you..I had decided to call first thing on I will definitely do that. I just get anxious easily and look for advice and answers quickly. I know my weight loss has got to be why..something that crossed my mind was maybe it is due to me really pushing myself harder everyday with my exercise but I'm not sure since I don't hurt myself or do anything I know I can't handle. Thank you for your replies.
  • LilKip
    LilKip Posts: 19 Member
    if your worried, please see a doctor. there is no point doing your head in and seeking answers online. your body is changing, in many ways both inside and out. but its definately worth getting looked at, for peace of mind if nothing else :)
  • amymina
    amymina Posts: 64 Member
    You should see a doctor. No one on the internet is qualified to give you medical advice on a forum.

    So true - try asking friend or family members in the same area for a GYN recommendation. I always found that is the best way to find a GYN you are happy with. And don't put this off, call on Monday morning. Even as a RN, over the internet, I would have no idea what to tell you, so as u are concerned, get a doctor involved.
  • Lalouse
    Lalouse Posts: 221 Member
    Yes, see a gyno.

    As someone else said, the weight loss could be affecting your cycle. Or it could be a million other things. That's why you should see a doc and get all the necessary tests done.

    Having 7 to 8 day heavy periods is the norm for a lot of women. It might also be for you. That in and of itself wouldn't be considered strange. I used to have them, and my sisters do too, until I got on birth control.

    Also remember that if your doc does put you on birth control to help regulate this, it's not the end of the world. You just have to try different pills (each trial should last at least 3 months) until you find the one that is right/works for you.

    Good luck.
  • likepepsicola
    likepepsicola Posts: 117 Member
    You should definitely go to a doctor asap to get checked out because vaginal bleeding can have other causes than a period.

    Sometimes changing your diet and losing/gaining weight can affect your cycle. I have had two periods before in a month, I've gone months skipping it completely for seemingly no reason, and then I spent a few years getting it every six weeks. An irregular period doesn't have to mean you get it less, sometimes it means you get it more. The fact that you typically have an irregular period, just the opposite way than you currently are experiencing means imo that you are prone to your cycle doing funky things. You also said your head is killing you & you are sweating a lot - the sweating could be hot flashes...I get that sometimes. Do you normally get headaches when you have a period? I am prone to HORRIBLE menstrual migraines.
  • xaMErica
    xaMErica Posts: 284 Member
    You should see a doctor. No one on the internet is qualified to give you medical advice on a forum.

    If you think it is necessary for any reason.. pee on a 'stick'..
    then go see a Dr. no matte what the stick might say. =/
  • LoveDreamSmile
    And I knew I'd hear it about the net calories but I eat a lot of protein..carbs..fiber and all that good stuff..low fat due to high cholesterol..I know from the forums that people say it is too low. I will accept the constrictive critisism. I just know I can't eat more and feel sick. Like I mentioned weight loss has been reasonable quick other than this week..well 6 days.

    The exercise I do has crossed my mind..I think I have to let my body adjust.

    I will try the nurse hotline. Thank you.
  • LoveDreamSmile
    Excuse my typos.
  • LoveDreamSmile
    Likepepsi I have been prone to migraines even off of a period but they have been less.
  • Mpol2
    Mpol2 Posts: 442 Member
    Honey, let us know after you get checked out that you are ok, please.
  • LoveDreamSmile
    I think I should add that there is NO WAY..sorry for way I can be pregnant. I have been abstinent for almost 4 years.

    And I've never had hot flashes..almost forgot to answer that.
  • aalpass
    aalpass Posts: 124 Member
    I'm by no means medically qualified and definitely agree with everyone else to get checked out by the GP. My 2cents worth though.. perhaps read up on PCOS. I was diagnosed with this year ago, and it may fit in with some of your symptoms.