So what happens with the calories I burn exercising?



  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Sorry for the silly question, I just calculated my TDEE which is 2052, my goas on MFT is to eat 1460 a day.
    What happens if in the evening I burn lets say 150 calories on my cross trainer? Is it best to eat the calories or shall I let it be? You talk about not going over your target too what shall I do? thanks

    I NEVER eat my calories back, this is only because I want to lose weight fast. If you want to lose weight your calorie intake should be a minus number. You need to subtract your BMR from your calorie intake per day. This is your Basal Metabolic Rate. This is the amount of calories you burn in a day doing nothing at all. You can calculate it here Once this has been subtracted and the calories used during exercise. I'd your net calorie intake isn't a - you won't have lost weight for that day. To average a loss of 1lb per week you should have a deficit of -500 calories per day. To lose 2lbs you need a deficit of -1000 and so on. One lb of fat is 3500 calories so this needs to be burnt n order to lose it. Hope this helps

    Fast weight loss leads to fast muscle loss, which leads to taking a longer time to hit an ideal goal. The less muscle you have, the less definition you will have and the less tight your body will be. So if you want to achieve your goal in your profile, you should change your thinking. Slower weight loss, aka concentrating on fat loss, will allow you to achieve the bikini body you want. Ideally, you want to maximize fat loss and minimize muscle loss. Like I always said, fuel your body burn the fat. The link below is a demonstration of why you want to optimize muscle retention. She is 20 lbs heavier than she was to start and the results speak for themselves. BTW, it's a lot easier to maintain your muscle than grow new lean body mass.