here i go again

hi im 41 years of age and live in the north west of England I am on a mission to once and for all make myself not only loose this god dam weight but also live a better and healthier life style but my only problem is im all or nothing wot I mean by this is when im in the zone im doing my healthy eating and exercise like its the bible but I am just a really boring person to be around cause I don't want to do anything that puts temptation in my way but if I do let the devil out im terrible I will eat and drink everything even though I know I shouldn't and then I think I will start again next week but when I do get back in the zone ive put a stone so so annoying!!!!!


  • iangonsal
    I know exactly how you feel ; but I was at it much longer. I'm 63 and have changed my life considerably by knocking off a whopping 30kg. I started last August by watching "Forks over knives" and stayed off meat, dairy and processed food just about completely. I've since cut the starch to as little as possible. To balance I've introduced more fish and eggs every now and then. The most compelling video by far though was "Sugar the bitter truth" you gotta watch that. However you also have to live life and no-one can sustain a monk type existence for long. My latest emphasis is on schedule. Rather than thinking I can go cold turkey I schedule sorta "naughty nights" In particular I will try to stick to just two nights a week for a drink. It means I'm still enjoying the social scene but bouncing straight back the next day to watching my intake. I have found this website and its associated iPhone app very useful. I also have "runtastic" to log activity. In addition the "Withings" weighing scale which connects to the my fitness app logs that awful statistic for you. Having been morbidly obese most of my life I'm looking forward to the next 7kg or so to get to just the top of ideal. But for sure this has to be a life change you can live with; not the dreaded yo yo that we all have experienced.