I need help with understanding net calories

For example only!, If I eat 1500 calories and burn 600 and net 900 should I eat back some calories or will this be good for weight loss.


  • You can eat some of the burned calories but not to much.
  • it's best to eat back at least some of the exercise calories to be closer to your overall goal. You're right in what you've said, that exercising reduces your net.

    900 will probably be too low to lose weight (your body clings to whatever you feed it) so perhaps eat back to at least 1200 and then see how you go :)
  • brit_ks_89
    brit_ks_89 Posts: 433 Member
    For example only!, If I eat 1500 calories and burn 600 and net 900 should I eat back some calories or will this be good for weight loss.

  • brit_ks_89
    brit_ks_89 Posts: 433 Member
    eat at least 1/2-3/4 of it !!!
  • peachfigs
    peachfigs Posts: 831 Member
    Yes, eat them back. Try not to let your net go into 1 200 calories.
  • krhn
    krhn Posts: 781 Member
    Don't know why some are saying eat some back but not too much...
    Since MFP creates a caloric. Deficit in the first place, I would personally eat it all back as you'll still be in a deficit :drinker:
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Don't know why some are saying eat some back but not too much...
    Since MFP creates a caloric. Deficit in the first place, I would personally eat it all back as you'll still be in a deficit :drinker:

  • brit_ks_89
    brit_ks_89 Posts: 433 Member
    Don't know why some are saying eat some back but not too much...
    Since MFP creates a caloric.

    Deficit in the first place, I would personally eat it all back as you'll still be in a deficit :drinker:

    this & thats why i said at LEAST
  • composite
    composite Posts: 138 Member
    Yeah it totally depends on what your goal is for the day.

    So at the moment my goal is 1700 (which should mean I lose about a 1lb a week.). If I do 600 calories a day just on my commute to work, I should eat all 600 back to get to my goal of 1700.
  • StArBeLLa87
    StArBeLLa87 Posts: 1,582 Member
    Thank you for your input! How often should I excersise being my net is low to begin with
  • composite
    composite Posts: 138 Member
    Well I would suggest at least some exercise every day is a good thing. It depends on your starting point point.

    Currently I'm riding my bike 6 days a week, but this ranges in intensity and volume. I do 4 days a week just commuting which is roughly 70mins a day. I also ride one day before work for 60mins and then after work that night for 2-3 hours. Then a big weekend ride in the region of 4-8 hours depending upon where I am in my training and how I'm feeling.

    Equally a half hour walk every day, with maybe a longer walk on the weekend would also be good. Just don't jump into it too quickly, if you aren't currently doing much at all.

    As long as you build it up and give yourself time to recover, if needed, then you should be fine. Use a heart rate monitor to estimate calories burned and you can enjoy your food more to the tune of those extra calories burnt. :)