Lower belly fat

I have this problem I want to know I can lose my lower belly fat. I know for a fact that walking everyday won't shrink it. So what exercises can I do to get rid of it. Because it is seriously driving me crazy. and it looks so ugly on me when I look at my self in the mirror. and it gets in the way when I try on clothing. Some kind of help would be nice. Anyone in my shoes feel free to add me? I need people to talk with Please


  • Sycoholic
    Sycoholic Posts: 282 Member
    Unfortunately there is no such thing as "target" weight loss. Your body loses weight all over and at the same time. To lose belly fat you have to lose body fat. Diet and exercise are the only thing. Now, if you want to later work on definition for that 6 pack, then you need to do lots of ab exercises and have a very low bodyfat percentage.
  • maegmez
    maegmez Posts: 341 Member
    Apple shapes hold the majority of fat on the tummy and major organs. Because most of it is on the tummy, it will be the last to go.