2nd week results very discouraging!

Weight loss is something I have fought my whole life. I have literally tried every "diet" plan known, and spent countless money on programs, plans, pills, etc... all trying to lose weight. I'm a 32 year old male and this is the hardest thing I've ever fought.

I have approx 150lbs to lose. I recently started My Fitness Pal. My first week, I lost 9lbs. It was the biggest motivation I'd had in years to keep with it! This past week was my second week and I weighed yesterday morning. I knew it wouldn't be as good as the first week, however was expecting to see some good results. I lost 0.2 lbs (point 2) I don't understand it. I did everything exactly how I did the first week and even started exercising this past week. The first week I didn't exercise any, just stuck with the My Fitness Pal plan.

Is it normal to have these kind of results only into it the 2nd week? Any help would be appreciated!


  • ddky
    ddky Posts: 381 Member
    Yes, it is normal. You need to look at any loss at all as progress. Don't get discouraged even if you have weeks where you don't lose anything. Good luck on your journey.
  • PennStateChick
    PennStateChick Posts: 327 Member
    This is really common. Stick with it.
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
  • hjensen2263
    hjensen2263 Posts: 68 Member
    A lot of the initial weight loss in week 1 is water, so that accounts for the high number. You do lose fat to though, don't get me wrong. It is then super common for week 2 to be much lower, if not 0. Don't get discouraged & keep going!
  • ronrstaats
    ronrstaats Posts: 294 Member
    It took me 13 months to drop 150 pounds. You are only in week two. Don't give up. It is possible. I had several zero or 1 pound lose weeks. I just kept working at it.

    Also don't measure your loses by week. Do it at the first of the month. You see greater loses and it helps keep you motivated.
  • lovestoread4
    lovestoread4 Posts: 2 Member
    Plus, if you started exercising during week two, your muscles may be sore and also be retaining water. Make sure to up your water intake.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    If you're eating at a deficit, you'll lose. Don't obsess over the scale, because there's so many factors like water weight or if you have to go to the bathroom. Or how much food or liquid is currently in your stomach, etc.
  • evilfairies
    evilfairies Posts: 98 Member
    The same thing happened to me! I'm in my 2nd week too. The first week I lost 8 pounds and when I weighed myself this morning it was only 1 pound even after increasing my exercise significantly.

    It's hard not to be discouraged, but apparently it's common so we'll just keep doing what we're doing and see what happens next week.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    Give it 8 weeks t least, before you start judging your progress. If you're AVERAGING 1.5 - 2 lbs a week, you're doing great!

    My last 8 weeks were: 2.5, 0,0, 1.5, 3, 1, 3.3, 1.1 for an average of 1.55 per week.

    Some weeks just see more progress than others!

    (oh, and avoid a lot of salt the day before you weigh!)
  • 89nunu
    89nunu Posts: 1,082 Member
    The first week you have probably looked more at what you eat and cut out a lot of 'bad' food you might have said eaten before. So the 9 pounds probably included a lot of water. As your body gets used to the new way of eating the 'shock' of the beginning is gone.
    Also if you started exercising, your body retains water in the muscles, 'gaining' weight when starting a new training is completely normal. And there are also tons of other reasons why the scales can show more one day than the other.
    Get yourself a measuring tape and measure every 1 - 2 weeks... The measuring tape is your friend the scale is not :D
    Don't get discouraged because of one week! Keep at it and you will see more progress!!
  • quackers82
    quackers82 Posts: 55 Member
    You need to stop weighing yourself every week, thin peoples weight will go up and down its normal. Weigh your self once a month its better for you mentally as you have proven you look at the scales and you are ready to give up. You need to give lots of time the the effort to show, 1 week is not enough!

    Lets say this happened...

    Week 1 : 9lb loss
    Week 2 : 0.5lb loss
    Week 3 : 1lb gain
    Week 4 : 2lb loss

    If you weighed your self week by week you might get ready to give up, but if you had weighed your self once at the end of the month you would have seen an 11.5lb loss and this would have had a big difference mentally.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Totally normal. Since I started charting my weight loss, this is what I have seen:

    Week 1: 3.6lbs
    Week 2: 1.2lbs
    Week 3: 3.8lbs
    Week 4: 2lbs
    Week 5: 0.4lbs

    Sadly weight loss doesn't happen at a steady rate. Just keep going and try to look at the overall picture.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    The minute you stop putting time limitations on weight loss and every week expecting certain numbers is the first day of the rest of your life.... This is not a diet, it is a lifestyle and some weeks will be better than others and you will face weeks were you do everything right and will gain weight... but I guarantee if you stick with it and get up everyday and stay committed to this, you will eventually make all your goals... Best of Luck
  • jmslewis
    jmslewis Posts: 52 Member
    That first week can be very misleading on progress because you will lose so much. I lost about 7 mine but then second week slowed. Your loss will continue you just have to be patient. I might go two weeks without a loss and then suddenly drop 4 lbs. just remember you didn't gain overnight so you won't lose overnight. I have lost 31 so far since the new year, but I still have about 110 or so to go. I will get there eventually and you will too.
  • shaplebound
    shaplebound Posts: 36 Member
    that's pretty much normal, you're doing great!!!! Keep it up...
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    If you were thinking you'd have big losses every week....reality just set in. Losing is not linear...you'll have ups and downs and stalls and this is all perfectly normal. Don't worry! Just keep doing what you need to do to be healthy and it will all be fine. You can do this!
  • justcountryfolks
    justcountryfolks Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks so much everyone for the comments! They are so encouraging! I now know that I am not doing anything wrong and these results are normal. I'm gonna keep on with it no matter what the scale shows. After 20+ years of a weight loss battle, this is the first time I've ever posted about it. It really helps having people give tips and encouragment. Again, thanks so much!
  • NSMustanggirl
    NSMustanggirl Posts: 70 Member
    It's all about the long term! Results will vary from week to week - lots of great tips here and lots of support! Just keep doing the very best you can for you and your body, and you'll achieve your goal! Best of luck and best of health to you!
  • mrsRice0f5
    mrsRice0f5 Posts: 1 Member
    I also have struggled my entire life being the chubby kid.. I have always skated along with the 30-38 BMI it seems that any change in my surroundings screw everything up.. I have been stuck at the same weight for 2 weeks.. I have experienced some family losses and think thats why... but I think your amazing for trying it again.. I have been on this diet train ... yet again... for almost 4 weeks and I am down 15 pounds.. Please feel free to message me.. any time I feel like I need some encouragement too! YOU CAN DO THIS! I set myself up with 5 pound goals but in the grand scheme of things I need at least 30 pounds to be considered remotely healthy.. I have hit 3 small goals and I keep trying to get in a grove again.. I found that drinking 48 oz of water a day is helping and weighing in, in the same clothes at the same time(as soon I get out of bed in the AM) Also I dont know if there is truth to this but it makes me feel like there is... I put lemons in my water jug in the fridge and drink the Lemon water all day :) Also my kiddo's have found they LOVE the water with lemons.. ha ha! what ever works I guess :) BUT Seriously I can have a water weight gain of 4 pounds from day to day... it happens keep your head up and remember someone was where you are now :) HUGS! And Good Luck!!
  • Autumnsun26
    Autumnsun26 Posts: 83 Member
    Yes it IS normal. You are always going to lose a bunch of weight the first week. I started at 270 on my daughters birthday which was 2/20 I really didn't get serious til March first and this morning my scale is showing a 27 lb loss all together. IF you want to keep the weight off slow is the way to go. That way you are not losing it so fast, that you will gain it back just as fast. I loose anywhere from 0.3-3.5 lbs a week. I typically lose under 2 lbs. I have had some great losses though. You have to think to yourself I don't care if I lose .1 pounds or 5 lbs a loss is a loss and it is getting closer to your goal. Stay focused! For most of us this is a complete lifestyle change and even if I don't lose a lot I am not going to go binge on a bunch of food that is only going to make me gain it all back! I have been frustrated at times too. But I am so glad I don't like it get the best of me and have continued to push it! I have lost 3 paint sizes in about 3 months. Don't give up! You can do it!!!!!!!!!!