Revisiting My Emotions On JEANS :)

I decided that I need to revisit my feeling on this topic since I obviously fell off the wagon since my initial post...:angry:

JEANS.... well well well look what the cat drug in.. :sick:

So I realized this morning that it was time to ... (bites fist) .. (takes deep breath)..... try on all my old jeans. sad
THERE I said it!!!

Granted, I do realize this could result in a episode of closet eating while curled up in the fetal position surrounded by chocolate wrappers and pizza crusts :grumble:
.. but I needed to know where I was at. I cant live in leggings and work clothes the rest of my life.

My jeans sizes range greatly but basically they are arranged super chunky to goal weight in three stages.

*****Super Chunky = Got past my thighs, but the waist is to tight.

These are beyond muffin top... more like mushroom. Seriously, at caterpillar could smoke a hookah while berating a small girl while sitting on this fat roll. :ohwell:

So, to fit into these will be about 15lbs.

*****Regular Chubby = Stuck on my thighs.

I look like cookie dough caught in a bear trap. :devil:
Its ugly, ghastly, yet you cant look away. Hey who's that fat girl trying to get in those jeans... oh wait thats me. My thighs.... how I loath you. You are so disproportionate to my child bearing hips... wait... no actually you match... I'm Fat.

To fit into these will be 20-30lbs.

*******Goal Weight = laugh HAHAHAHAHHAHAHHA.... knee to mid thigh lockage.

I am not even sure these would fit on my arms right now. noway Well, I know who isnt craving sweet now ... this fatty right here. I honestly thought "Wow, I thought I was fat when i fit in these!?!!?!?!?!??!" I could slap myself!

I will be able to wear these in 40-60lbs

I felt a lot of emotions after doing this..... disappointed in myself, angry, sad. :sad:

But I also feel excited. I tried on my biggest jeans a month ago and they wouldnt even button.

I am on my way.

No closet eating or coach binging tonight! I am going to do this.:bigsmile:
It also gave me the idea to make myself a reward list.

Anyway just sharing my nightmare that is JEANS.