Dear Me ......

Dear Me,

You're chubby, loud, you talk too much, you over analyze,
and sometimes you're down right lazy.
You have let people try to change you.
You have let yourself down mentally and physically.
You cry over people that don't deserve your tears.
You eat your emotions.
You have withdrawn from life in so many ways from being hurt.
You arent YOU anymore.

But dont you worry, I am here and we are going to get thru this together.
We are going to eat right, exercise, and throw on some damn makeup.
Did you lose your curling iron... GO find it!
We are going to remember that woman that you were and by God we are getting her back.
Remember her???
She was beautiful and funny... she was like a candle that people were drawn to.
She loved every part of life and never felt less or insecure.
Dont worry, she will come back... because no one loved her more than we did.

Love you,
