people always commenting on your diet?



  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    Once you get healthy you aren't in the club anymore... you know the fat and miserable club. We can't have that now can we? lol
  • cmslater77
    I always find people don't know they are being rude about something until you call them out on it. Next time someone says something in a negative way that will make you second guess what you are putting in your mouth, just be straight up with them. Tell them that what they are saying is being perceived as a negative comment and unless they would like to be supportive, that you would appreciate that they keep their comments to themselves. I always tell people who are on a diet that it isn't a diet, its a change in what you are eating. You are altering what kinds of food you are putting in your body and not necessarily depriving or not giving your body certain types of foods. It's just a conscious choice to make better choices of how you get certain foods. And the candy? You can always tell them that you have stayed on track with how you are managing your foods and that it's your cheat day and it's a reward. Good luck to you and don't let anyone get you down.
  • getfitcharles
    Some people are just going to be like this. Probably the same people would make a snide comment if everything you ate was perfect 100% super healthy too... trying to tell you to 'relax' and eat more junk. Some people just like to judge and comment and poke their nose into others' business.
  • clareabow
    clareabow Posts: 17 Member
    I get the same thing when people see me eating my ryvita for lunch ..... i actually like it so SHUT UP ! haha. soooo annoying x
  • NikinCilla
    NikinCilla Posts: 129 Member
    does anyone else find that when people know you're on a diet or trying to lose weight, they CONSTANTLY comment any time you're eating? at work if i have anything not healthy, like a two finger kit kat (at 107 calories, not breaking the bank) i get at least one comment of 'oo, i thought you were on a diet' with a sneery face, or 'that within your calories is it?'
    only so many times i can say 'yes it is' and getting a disbelieving look in return
    and then when i have a cup a soup they roll their eyes and say it's not enough food for lunch.

    it's not like i have 1100 calories made up of chocolate and one cup a soup a day - i eat well, spread my food out throughout the day and have a small amount of the tasty/cravy things to stop me going nuts.

    i've been steadily losing weight since january (192 pounds down to 168) doing what i'm doing - why do they feel the need to comment?!

    Thats a great loss, congrats!
    I get the same thing too & I use to nod my head or say not a diet a lifestyle change then I got blunt & said are you scabing my treat? Then theres silent & I eat in peace :)
  • donniesaurous
    donniesaurous Posts: 176 Member
    I get, "you look too skinny and need to put weight back on and you must be starving yourself". They also say, "you can start eating normal again." I don't starve myself and I'm in the middle of my BMI which is not under weight. The thing is I eat healthier now then I did when I was 86 pounds heavier. When I was very heavy eating lots of fattening junk food with very little nutrition, no one said a thing.

    ignore them all they know nothing! go you!
  • majasmi
    majasmi Posts: 133 Member
    i get that from my parents-in-law all the time. followed by kitchen whispers of he should eat more of this and that. he can eat until he's stuffed, let him exercise it all off. blah blah. its annoying, but at times i guess its just worry and also boredom. my colleagues were annoying at the start, but understood after some explanations. now its just 'soup? i dont like soup much.' no other comments on food choices and health hahaha.
  • DaniKL
    DaniKL Posts: 4
    That's one reason I'm relucant to tell people I'm trying to lose weight...

    I don't tell people either! So much less annoying that way.
  • coreybooth
    I get this all the time in work! From what I've observed the people who say these things are actually the ones who have not got the will power to do it themselves and secretly want you to fail. After I lost a stone a few colleagues at work started saying it even more, as if they could see how well my plan was going and just wanted to put me down instead of complimenting my discipline. Just ignore them, as long as you are happy with the progress of your goals that is all that matters.
  • bluebear_74
    bluebear_74 Posts: 179
    I just don't tell people otherwise their all "you don't need to loose weight". Though they probably figured it out now.
  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member
    I don't mention I'm trying to lose weight so people don't say anything.
  • IndieCountryCutie
    IndieCountryCutie Posts: 14 Member
    That's one reason I'm relucant to tell people I'm trying to lose weight...

    ditto! the only people that know i'm even trying to lose weight right now are the friends i've made on this site. being that i've been overweight all my life and constantly trying one thing or another to lose weight i've grown to seriously dislike "food police" type comments and so now i just keep it all to myself.
  • Jo5ie
    Jo5ie Posts: 33 Member
    I take my dad shopping every Saturday and he insists on giving me a bag of buns and boxes/ large bars of chocolates. I used to say no I don't want them so he then starting saying "are you still on that stupid diet of yours" so I gave up arguing with him. I find it hard to resist the treats on Saturdays and have found it quite destructive and spend my week trying to make up for over eating then. I don't mind having a blow out every week but it's not even how I would choose to blow my calories and I have no willpower!
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    does anyone else find that when people know you're on a diet or trying to lose weight, they CONSTANTLY comment any time you're eating? at work if i have anything not healthy, like a two finger kit kat (at 107 calories, not breaking the bank) i get at least one comment of 'oo, i thought you were on a diet' with a sneery face, or 'that within your calories is it?'
    only so many times i can say 'yes it is' and getting a disbelieving look in return
    and then when i have a cup a soup they roll their eyes and say it's not enough food for lunch.

    it's not like i have 1100 calories made up of chocolate and one cup a soup a day - i eat well, spread my food out throughout the day and have a small amount of the tasty/cravy things to stop me going nuts.

    i've been steadily losing weight since january (192 pounds down to 168) doing what i'm doing - why do they feel the need to comment?!

    I've had a few people say the foods I eat are weird. The strangest thing I've ate is Dill Pickle chips that I believe are made out of chia seeds.
  • becka9266
    becka9266 Posts: 16 Member
    I take my dad shopping every Saturday and he insists on giving me a bag of buns and boxes/ large bars of chocolates. I used to say no I don't want them so he then starting saying "are you still on that stupid diet of yours" so I gave up arguing with him. I find it hard to resist the treats on Saturdays and have found it quite destructive and spend my week trying to make up for over eating then. I don't mind having a blow out every week but it's not even how I would choose to blow my calories and I have no willpower!

    Could you have fun with it? Like light a fire and throw them in, as sort of a stress reliever? Or watch them blow up in the microwave? Or throw them at people? Maybe not that. :)

    Or, you could drive straight to your local firestation and donate them to the firefighters on duty. I do this every year with the leftover pies and cakes my M-I-L brings for Christmas/Thanksgiving dinner. I've told her we try to avoid sweets, but I always end up with 3 pies with nowhere to put them but my hips. So every year the guys and gals at my local station get a ton of pies/sugary stuff. And every year they are so, sooo thankful.

    Plus you get the bonus of saying you donated the food, so if your dad ever found out he can't be mad at you for wasting food.
  • Hi_Im_Jess
    Hi_Im_Jess Posts: 347 Member
    Someone I used to date would constantly do this to me.. So I started with "Youre going to wear that?" and commented and picked at pretty much everything he wore.. then when he got fed up one day and asked WTF my problem was.. I said thats how it is when you question everything I eat. Fun, right? :laugh:
  • fullofhope76
    I love the "Do you think you should be eating that?" I want to tell them to shove it. When I go for something sweet when I am at home I always look at my husband and tell him I don't want to hear one word...
  • GracefulDancer4Christ
    GracefulDancer4Christ Posts: 419 Member
    l live with someone like that and deal with it 24/7. I tell her my diet consists of eating 5-6 meals through out the day spaced every few hours. 3 meals and 2-3 snacks. the person who comments about it is herself in starving mode eats 500 calories if their lucky.
  • GrabacrPD
    GrabacrPD Posts: 94 Member
    I just say im not on a on a lifestyle change and some days you just have to give your body want it wants!
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    My husband recently did this.

    He bought me some chocolate. I decided one night I had calories to spare and wanted two squares. He gave me crap about eating it! I actually cried because he was giving me mixed signals and I told him not to buy me chocolate again unless he actually wanted me to eat it and not guilt trip me. XD