I could really use a push right now

Hey guys.. this is really embarrassing but I've really been lacking in dedication. I was doing well my first two weeks but now I feel like I've done a complete downward spiral :( I could really use some motivating thoughts and inspiration if you have the time. I really appreciate your help! also.... I need help with supper. ALL I eat is hot dogs, burgers, pasta, pizza... basically anything quick. I don't want just salad... bleh.

I wanna stick to the plan this time.

give me a push?


  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    It's hard to get used to eating healthier. I tend to be the same way with dinner something quick and easy. When I am feeling that way I make myself a pita or a wrap. Very easy to make but still healthy. You can add me as a friend if you would like.
  • AmyW4225
    AmyW4225 Posts: 302 Member
    Don't be embarassed, it's something we all struggle with. I haven't really even changed my diet and I'm still losing weight. I've lost weight the last three days in a row.One night I ate a cheeseburger, chips, and icecream, the next night I had pizza and I still lost. I just make sure I stay within my calorie goal. I exercise EVERYDAY, though. It's not hard for me to eat healthy, I actually crave healthy food, now, but it's hard when you have 2 kids and are in school full time to get to the store and buy good food and not to mention it's EXPENSIVE! And nobody wants to eat just salad. Remember it's not a diet, it's a lifestyle change. Don't deprive yourself of what you want because it will lead you to binge when you get your hands on it. If you want A cookie, have A cookie(or 2 LOL). Just make sure you "budget" your calories. If you want something and don't have the calories for it then exercise. Will exercise for food. LOL