Confused - TDEE, BMR, Cals in Cals out Help please?!

Hi all,

So I've been doing a bit of reading through the forums and I think I've confused myself,there is so much info out there!

I've been told that to lose weight I should stick to 1200 cals. I have a sedentary job so I selected that as my activity level. My BMR is 1615. I'm 30 and 176cms tall.

I love exercise, training 6 days per week etc - food is my downfall and I want to know what exactly should I be doing? I'm going to do some more reading on lifting as I'd like to give that a go.

I have very specific goals with my closest one being that in 12 weeks I am selecting my custom made wedding dress! Goal is to be down 10kilos in 12 weeks (or as close to that figure as possible).

All help much appreciated!

THanks :)


  • spramn
    spramn Posts: 67 Member
    Assuming your metabolic rate is not damaged from what they call Yo Yo dieting.

    You didn't include your current weight ! So calculating it backwards, if your BMR is 1615 you must be 55kg

    Your BMR which is the base rate you burn energy as if you where in bed all day.
    Your TDEE is your BMR + Exercise

    If you are on 1200 Calories with a BMR of 1615 - you will loose 0.3kg a week at 55kg which seems quite healthy for ure height. Then if you burn 200 calories from a walk for example, in theory you can eat an extra 200 for that day.

    Also if your on a high protein diet (over 50% of ure macros - carb/protein/fat) you can eat an extra 50 to 75 calories because of the thermic effect from processing it.
  • Project_Jodie

    Don't think there has been much yo yoing - just way too much eating and drinking on break and too much sitting on my butt at work!

    I wish I was 55kg - I'm 83kgs and when I enter it on here 1615 is my BMR according to MFP!

    Sorry how do you get 0.3 per week? I want to lose 0.8kg per week...which I think is still pretty healthy. My goal weight is 65kg but at the moment I'm really just focusing on the next 12 weeks. I'll focus on the rest of the kilos after that! :)

    thanks for the help - need all the help I can get!
  • chriswhudson
    It takes 3500 calories BURNED to lose 1lb. for example:
    if you ate 2800 cal a day x7days = 19600 calories consumed a week
    if you burned 3200 cal a day x 7days = 22,400 calories burned a week
    22,400 -19600=2,800 net burned for the week it's not quite a lb lost but it's .8 lost

    How do you know what you burn a day? look up BMR and enter your body data. I know all the pills and stuff the world promotes sound great, none of them work, they only increase the amounts of calories burned a day by small amounts and supress your appetite, but if you don't know your basic calorie intake or your basic burn a day, nothing can help you manage the outcome. I explain this to say that I have lost 45lbs in 6 months and I work out roughly twice a week, but walk 3 miles 3 days a week in the summer............hope this helps.................
  • Project_Jodie
    Thanks Chris

    I feel like I've just had a light globe switch on above my head! That makes a lot of sense now :) Thanks heaps for the the help and congratulations on your weight loss that's amazing! :)