New in town

Hi all,

I've been over weight for as long as I can remember. About three years ago, I was as closer to a 'normal' weight (I'm 5'5") than I had been in elementary school -to give you an idea. Then I met the man I'm going to marry and promptly gained 50 or so pounds. Now I'm on my way back down. Hopefully this time I keep to it and make it a lifestyle change as opposed to a short fling. I've already lost 10lbs prior to joining and I'm not planning to stop there. A trip to the docs a few weeks ago determined that I'm pre-diabetic (not a surprise being overweight and having two parents with diabetes since they were kids). Pre-diabetes still means I can turn it around before they put me on medicine though and in six months when I get tested again I'm determined that my hemoglobin a1c is going to come back normal. I'll be graduating from my Master's program at the end of the summer and looking for a /real/ job so I have stressful times ahead (not to mention planning a wedding 0.0;). Wish me luck folks, any support or helpful thoughts are appreciated. I've read a ton of success stories today so I'm inspired to stay focused! :D


  • Suzanuh
    Suzanuh Posts: 36 Member
    Good luck on your journey and welcome!