The update....if anyone cares to listen!!

A few months ago i posted a topic about depression and heard from so many people that it helped me so much. Although in march i lost my godmother to cancer and my best friend in a car accident (same week) I also found out last week that i have 2-5years before i need a kidney transplant. I have a rare kidney disorder which deteriorates them.

Anyway i still am unable to find a job and i have halted my education because for what, why am i getting this education if i may die in 10 years.

My fiance and i are no longer together...because of the lack of sex he decided to go elsewhere!!

So now i am a little more depressed living off my son ssi because he has autism....a single mom with 5 years to live...what am i gonna do!!

Thanks for listening to me ramble!!


  • mhesterruns
    mhesterruns Posts: 49
    You are gonna make a choice to live like you have forever (which you may) or for whatever time you have left live miserable. With a son, you have every reason to live life to the fullest. That means doing things you enjoy and spending time with family and friends. It is proven those with better attitudes live longer. That must be what you want deep down or you wouldn't be on here. Do the things you would do as if you were living the life span of someone with out your condition.
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    I'm sorry to hear that you've gone through so much lately. It sounds to me like your goals just went from "weight related" to "health related". Don't you owe it to yourself to be in the best shape possible to be able to get that kidney transplant and then to be able to take care of your children?

    You'll be in my prayers. God will provide a way for you to find a job, take care of your kids and to be healthy. You just have to trust in Him.
  • youngs
    youngs Posts: 250 Member
    First of I am sorry to hear that you have been thru so much.. second you need to hold your chin up high and go on with life you need to make the best of what everyday has to need to focus on what life has to offer you at this time and not worry about the future..Lots of prayers to God..he does listen and he is the only one that know the plan to our future..Each day just remember that Prayers are powerful! Thing are in Gods hands just trust in him to do whats best! You have a son that needs you and need your positive encouragments..Dr.s everyday do wonders everyday...You could be one that has a kidney transplant and live a wonderful full life..sounds like you are trying to count your days instead of counting the wonderful days that you have ahead..stop that negitive thinking and focuse that energy on you, your son and getting healthy for a kidney transplant..and enjoying life each day to the fullest!! You and your family will be in my prayers!
  • kryssy77
    kryssy77 Posts: 219
    thanks guys...i just wish it would all just work know that saying God only gives u what u can handle, well i think he went overboard with me...

    I have 2 children a 4yr old girl who has been sick all day and a 2yr old boy who is getting luck!

    Thanks for the warm wishes and thanks for the prayers!