Working out and eating healthy but not losing weight



  • babyalfiesmum
    babyalfiesmum Posts: 1 Member

    I have a similar problem. I'm been using the slimming world diet which has been previously successful. I lost 1.5 stone but have put back on half a stone. I stick to the diet religiously and exercise quite a lot. Zumba 2-3 times a week and big 3-4 hour walks 4 days a week.

    I've cut out alcohol completely as I can put on 1-2 lbs instantly from one glass of wine and it can take a week or more to come off.

    I'm mid 40s now so am worried that I'm heading into that 'middle age spread' zone as all the weight is around my tummy.

    I'd be glad of any help.

  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    1 - how are you calculating your calorie goal?
    2 - how are you determing your calories burned?
    3 - how are you measuring your food?

    Aside from that, I notice that you often don't log at all on the weekends, that can easy erase any defict you have had during the week if you aren't careful. I suggest logging everyday.
    The other thing I notice from your diary, what do you drink? ANy coffee, tea, juice pop?
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member

    I have a similar problem. I'm been using the slimming world diet which has been previously successful. I lost 1.5 stone but have put back on half a stone. I stick to the diet religiously and exercise quite a lot. Zumba 2-3 times a week and big 3-4 hour walks 4 days a week.

    I've cut out alcohol completely as I can put on 1-2 lbs instantly from one glass of wine and it can take a week or more to come off.

    I'm mid 40s now so am worried that I'm heading into that 'middle age spread' zone as all the weight is around my tummy.

    I'd be glad of any help.


    To avoid confusion and get more answers it would probably be best to create your own topic. Opening your diary is helpful too (if its not already I haven't looked)
  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
    More than likely you're severely underestimating the amount of cals consumed, or bingeing. If not then maybe metabolic damage, just find it hard to believe that 10/10 people on here are eating in a severe deficit and not losing weight....
  • blanhe2
    blanhe2 Posts: 88
    You should be eating at the very least half your exercise calories given how many you earn!!
  • mamosh81
    mamosh81 Posts: 409 Member
    if the OP is eating their TDEE - xx% for a deficit then they should not be eating back their exercise calories. this drives me nuts when this is the default answer for everything.

    i use HeyBales XLS and i should be eating 1550 calories a day, including my exercise calories.

    ask additional questions of the OP before just giving default answers that may work in your own situation.

    yeah i get pretty annoyed to by that standard answere. It is very dangerous to eat all the exercise calories back because they are only estimates and you can quickly overeat that way.
    I was in the same boat as you when i started for like 2 months i was shifting the same pound around till i went to the doctors and they discovered i had insulin resistent pcos and a slow thyroid now i get meds and lost over 30 lbs in the last 50 days.
    Get bloodwork done i think everyone should before going on a weightloss journey measure your food with a kitchen scale it really helps a lot and keep up the hard work. Sometimes it takes the body a bit to realize hey i got some stored fat i can use.

    Oh and drink drink drink water to wash out all that salt in foods =)
  • IlyanaRose
    IlyanaRose Posts: 21 Member
    I set my cals at 1350 two weeks ago and I lost nothing. Then last week I brought them down to 1200 and I lost 1.6lbs. I ate back some exercise calories but not all of them. My measuring might not be exact, but my TDEE is actually 1972 with light exercise, so any discrepancy in measurements is more than accounted for.

    That's what worked for me anyway!
  • gogabug
    gogabug Posts: 1
    Hi I am 22 year old female and weigh 53, I am 159cm height and my goal weight is 45kg or 47kg. I am moderately active during the day, do chores but also sit and work so its 50/50, I am exercising everyday for an hour and its a mixture of cardio and strength (its TAE-BO boot camp beginners work out. I eat 2 meals a day which are small and healthy! I eat no junk food - eat veg, fruit, low-fat diary or non-fat dairy and I eat some carbs like noodles now and then or low GI bread or brown rice for instant, also some meat (chicken breast with no skin or wors but little meat. I put on weight 2 years ago after being 50kg I went to 55kg then 60kg and I realized this was bad so I started eating better, lost 5kg and now I do all this exercise and eating but my weight hasn't gone down, although have only done this for about 1 week LOL, so am asking how long does it take to lose weight and I am basically eating 500+- calories a day if I am not correct...1 avo, low fat yogurt, coffee with non-fat milk, low GI break is like 300 calories and that is an example of the kind of food I am eating otherwise muesli and a salad or something very light - veg and meat etc. Is this diet on the right track and will I lose weight fast because it looks like my 53kg is stuck...but like I said maybe I need to be patient because it has only been 1 week...

    sorry to post on here but it didn't let me post normally some problem
  • Tikamerrikh
    Tikamerrikh Posts: 1 Member
    Do you drinkk alcohol during the weekend?
  • raxonhunt
    raxonhunt Posts: 1 Member
    I am experiencing the same thing, but I think you should focus more on the measurement of you waist, bust and legs etc. instead of the number on the scale :)
  • stanleypoobrick
    stanleypoobrick Posts: 71 Member
    What does your body look like? Muscle weighs x4 times as much as fat.
    Err no it doesn't unless it's defying the laws of Physics a pound of fat is the same as a pound of muscle.

    oh for god's sake, that's like saying a brick and a feather weigh the same because 10lb of bricks is the same as 10lb of feathers. if you take 1cm^3 of fat and 1cm^3 of muscle, the muscle will weigh more per its volume.
  • bojkoj19
    bojkoj19 Posts: 37 Member
    Hey there :)

    You could be eating more then what you record. I had the same problem until I started watching this show and realized I would have a bite of this or that and not think to record it. Watch it, it's entertaining :) Good luck!
  • danilynn118
    danilynn118 Posts: 5 Member
    I am experiencing the same problem. Even if my count was off by 150-200 calories that is not enough to make this much of an impact with not losing anything. I make all of my own meals so I am pretty good with being ON POINT for calories, fat, protein, etc. If I have "cheat snacks" I will count out all 22 cheez-it crackers for the service size on the box. I had a few pound weight lose but HUGE fat lose for my wedding, stopped working out after as we got back right info the holidays and now I cannot get rid of this weight (I weighed more than I did before the wedding) I may not be eating enough net calories but the recommended amounts for my size are WAY too high. I couldn't eat that even if I ate pizza, fries, and ice cream.
  • danilynn118
    danilynn118 Posts: 5 Member
    Muscle weights more than fat by volume. 1 ilb of muscle can be the size of your computer mouse where as 1ilb of fat is the size of your keyboard. So yes, that statement is true in a sense. A tone and muscular person can weight more than a person who appears skinny but has higher body fat. All my friends assume I weight the less because I am the tiniest but I have less body fat than they do and more muscles. I actually outweigh them by a good 10 ilbs.
  • I'm at the point of quitting. I've been exercising, eating right, counting calories...and yet I'm stuck on this weight. Yes I've lost 11 lbs in I think 2 months or less. My doctor even put me on phentermine the first couple of days worked and suppressed my appetite but now I get hungry often. I still don't eat junk food when I'm Hungry I try to eat healthy. I work from home so that doesn't help much but I try to stay active as much as I can. I sleep 4 hrs max a day if I'm lucky due to my graveyard work I know that probably has something to do with not losing weight but I push myself , tired or not to work out. I was happy at first but now I haven't lost a pound in like 2 weeks. I honestly hate living like this, having to count calories, feeling guilty if I skip one workout day which I try not to. I'm not that tall so you can tell when I gain weight. I'm depressed. I want to quit. I was told Im probably going through that platoue or whoever you spell it. I tried to change my exercise routine to trick my body but that's still didn't work. Good luck to all of you. Maybe I'm just cursed to look this way.
  • gotolam
    gotolam Posts: 262 Member
    Thanks everyone. Ill start eating more I pray this will work for me.

    You're disappointed at your weight loss and so you're going to fix it by eating more.

    Say that out loud and see if you can do it with a straight face. I can't.
  • gotolam
    gotolam Posts: 262 Member
    I was happy at first but now I haven't lost a pound in like 2 weeks. I honestly hate living like this, having to count calories, feeling guilty if I skip one workout day which I try not to. ...

    I tried to change my exercise routine to trick my body but that's still didn't work. Good luck to all of you. Maybe I'm just cursed to look this way.

    Are you four years old? I could understand it if you are. To a four year old, two weeks is a lifetime.

    But if you're an adult, perhaps giving up after two weeks isn't the best way to get where you want to be. No one is cursed. If you don't like the way you look, do something about it. Stop finding excuses to avoid putting in the work. You don't need to "confuse" your muscles or "trick" them. You just need to put on your big boy/big girl pants and suck it up.

    Eat pre-determined number of calories, get some exercise and in six months, you'll be smoking hot. Or whine, complain to God and friends about why you're so unlucky, and continue doing it for the rest of your life.

    Now ask yourself, where do you want to be in six months?
  • dmenchac
    dmenchac Posts: 447 Member
    What does your body look like? Muscle weighs x4 times as much as fat.
    Err no it doesn't unless it's defying the laws of Physics a pound of fat is the same as a pound of muscle.

    oh for god's sake, that's like saying a brick and a feather weigh the same because 10lb of bricks is the same as 10lb of feathers. if you take 1cm^3 of fat and 1cm^3 of muscle, the muscle will weigh more per its volume.

    Correct but muscle is only 18% more dense than fat :D
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    I'm at the point of quitting. I've been exercising, eating right, counting calories...and yet I'm stuck on this weight. Yes I've lost 11 lbs in I think 2 months or less. My doctor even put me on phentermine the first couple of days worked and suppressed my appetite but now I get hungry often. I still don't eat junk food when I'm Hungry I try to eat healthy. I work from home so that doesn't help much but I try to stay active as much as I can. I sleep 4 hrs max a day if I'm lucky due to my graveyard work I know that probably has something to do with not losing weight but I push myself , tired or not to work out. I was happy at first but now I haven't lost a pound in like 2 weeks. I honestly hate living like this, having to count calories, feeling guilty if I skip one workout day which I try not to. I'm not that tall so you can tell when I gain weight. I'm depressed. I want to quit. I was told Im probably going through that platoue or whoever you spell it. I tried to change my exercise routine to trick my body but that's still didn't work. Good luck to all of you. Maybe I'm just cursed to look this way.

    First dieting will not work, you must change your lifestyle. You did not gain the weight in 2 weeks so why would you expect to lose it that quick. It really is simple eat less than your body uses, no guilt if you miss a just didn't earn that ice cream. Counting gets easier when you make it a habit, weighing your food (needed for accuracy) is an easy habit to form too. Weigh food, and what you want if it fits and enjoy the slimmer you at New Years. If you don't do that at New Years you most likely will be making or thinking of making a similar post as this.

    People are not cursed or going through a plateau when they just start, guilt serves no purpose and neither does not accurately logging. Excuses and self pity only hurt the person that wants help. Their are many great people here that can offer great advise, there are people for everyone...if you want a cheerleader you can find a group of them here, if you want someone to tell it like it is there are many here for that. Stick around learn and make a decision even if you lose at 1/2 lb. a week you will still be 15 lbs. lighter by New Years and that is better than now.
  • Also you need to att strength training it...Cardio alone wont do it ,, and you need to change it up.. Also a big part of it isn't just the calorie its where your calories are coming from...