what is with this fascination with these workouts like 30DS?



  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    I agree.

    I just don't see the appeal of working out in my living room in front of a television.

    I'd rather write the workout down and do it at a park somewhere.
  • Xiaolongbao
    Xiaolongbao Posts: 854 Member
    now i was never a total beginner even when i was just starting out, but the workout just seems so basic and repetitive.
    same for many of the other workouts i see people claiming are just awesome.

    So basically you can't understand that not everyone is exactly the same as you? Life must be a struggle.

    Any recorded workout is going to be repetitive - obviously. But then most workouts are repetitive. Personally I find 30 DS a LOT less repetitive and less basic than swimming up and down the pool 60 times most days. But you know what, I don't swim for a mental challenge.

    For me 30DS is useful because it's short. It requires very little space (super important when you live in a Japanese apartment) and it can easily be slotted in on days when I'm not running.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    now i was never a total beginner even when i was just starting out, but the workout just seems so basic and repetitive.
    same for many of the other workouts i see people claiming are just awesome.

    Its a good workout. Not my thing and when I tried it I got bored but the workouts themselves are good. And many people don't mind repetitiveness since it makes it easy for them to get better at form etc.

    I mean when I did boxing, we had to do the same exact workout and even now when I'm lifting weights I do essentally the same workouts each time.
  • NikinCilla
    NikinCilla Posts: 129 Member
    i did try each of the stages once, and still don't understand how people can constantly post they are going to do it for 30 days straight, the same workout dvd.

    People constantly post they are going to do it for 30 days straight, the same workout dvd cause they gain strength, fitness level increases, body changes, weight loss, measurements loss, they like it like you like your exercise routine.
    I love it Im on level 3 & have losted 39.9kgs so far so it works for me 30days straight, the same dvd!
  • ssl444
    ssl444 Posts: 88 Member
    now i was never a total beginner even when i was just starting out, but the workout just seems so basic and repetitive.
    same for many of the other workouts i see people claiming are just awesome.

    Just because the workout isn't your cup of tea, don't judge others who do enjoy these, just because someone finds something awesome which you don't - so what. People are just sharing what they like to inspire others.
    I can't comment on the exercise routine you like to do as you missed it off your post
    Sorry if it seems like I'm on a rant, but can't see the point on forum posts such as this one as they are not productive and not helping anyone.
  • Schann7
    Schann7 Posts: 218
    now i was never a total beginner even when i was just starting out, but the workout just seems so basic and repetitive.
    same for many of the other workouts i see people claiming are just awesome.

    Just because the workout isn't your cup of tea, don't judge others who do enjoy these, just because someone finds something awesome which you don't - so what. People are just sharing what they like to inspire others.
    I can't comment on the exercise routine you like to do as you missed it off your post
    Sorry if it seems like I'm on a rant, but can't see the point on forum posts such as this one as they are not productive and not helping anyone.

    This is what I was trying to say! Totally agree...
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    Repetitiveness doesn't bother me so much. But the instructors? Whole different story. No way could I get through a workout led by Jillian Michaels....:angry:
  • MrsBobaFett
    MrsBobaFett Posts: 802 Member
    now i was never a total beginner even when i was just starting out, but the workout just seems so basic and repetitive.
    same for many of the other workouts i see people claiming are just awesome.

    It is basic, it is repetitive but it's also effective.

    I started with Jillian, when my fitness levels were appalling and I could just about jog in place for 2 minutes before collapsing in a heap on the floor. It helps beginners who have never had any real experience working out, my conditioning has improved drastically and I lost 8lbs doing 30DS for the first time. I lift now but I've started 30DS again because I enjoyed it so much.

    What works for one person doesn't exactly work for others and vice versa..
  • chkn_WANG_Train
    Maybe because they enjoy them, they burn calories, and help people build muscle to get ready for things like more aerobics or heavy lifting. What do you do and why do you do it? I don't know it and I don't get it.
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    Valid points all around. I can see how some of my favorite workouts are repetitive and basic too. My wt. lifting routine is based on the same 8 exercises with differences in reps and weight each week. I enjoy it for the same reasons as other people said they love the 30 Day Shred or other jillian workouts, because i am working to improve my performance and I enjoy feeling my muscles change during and after the workout.

    You could argue the same point regarding my favorite HiiT workout on dvd, but those moves are purposely basic because they are so intense. If the moves were more complicated, it raises the risk for injury when we attempt to do them at a balls to the wall pace.
    So the JM workouts are likely as challenging and interesting for Jillian fans as that workout is for me.
  • DoxieLove10612
    DoxieLove10612 Posts: 145 Member
    i did try each of the stages once, and still don't understand how people can constantly post they are going to do it for 30 days straight, the same workout dvd.

    Mix it with other videos. Her voice is uber annoying.
  • starbucksbuzz
    starbucksbuzz Posts: 466 Member
    Valid points all around. I can see how some of my favorite workouts are repetitive and basic too. My wt. lifting routine is based on the same 8 exercises with differences in reps and weight each week. I enjoy it for the same reasons as other people said they love the 30 Day Shred or other jillian workouts, because i am working to improve my performance and I enjoy feeling my muscles change during and after the workout.

    You could argue the same point regarding my favorite HiiT workout on dvd, but those moves are purposely basic because they are so intense. If the moves were more complicated, it raises the risk for injury when we attempt to do them at a balls to the wall pace.
    So the JM workouts are likely as challenging and interesting for Jillian fans as that workout is for me.

    Yea 30DS has never intrigued me, mostly because what I've seen of Jillian / her rep wasn't anything I was interested in. I did like insanity, but got bored with it. Also I have a really hard time getting up the motivation to work out at home when I could be... not working out. Doing Jamie Easons Live Fit now, and love that so far, although phase 2 is kicking my *kitten*!!
  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member
    I agree.

    I just don't see the appeal of working out in my living room in front of a television.

    I'd rather write the workout down and do it at a park somewhere.

    I'd much rather go to the gym or park too. I am however a single mother of 3 young children who has no childcare so those aren't options.

    OP, 30DS was a great start for me as a beginner, I am now doing Insanity. Surely anything that gets people who otherwise wouldn't work out moving is a good thing.
  • clareyoung80
    clareyoung80 Posts: 177 Member
    I do all my exercise in front of the TV. It's a safe and ultimately cheap environment!

    I'm part way through 30 Day Shred and I find it VERY challenging; I like Jillian, and I find the repetitive nature of the levels comforting as it gives me something to work towards.

    I do about 3 different exercise DVD's per day though, for variation, as well as several bodyweight exercises.

    I imagine I can get quite far in my fitness quest without even leaving my house.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    Because it works, only takes a set amount of time every day and you can do it in your own living room. I've done 30ds, slim in six and I'm nearly finished with p90x. I love 'em.
  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member
    I agree.

    I just don't see the appeal of working out in my living room in front of a television.

    I'd rather write the workout down and do it at a park somewhere.

    Yeah, where I live it would be fairly uncomfortable to do the moves in a park from about October through May. You know, because of the snow and cold temperature. This morning it was 28 degrees (F) when I left for work. Not exactly outside type of weather. LOL

    In any event, do it if you want to, don't if you don't. I like having a video like that on hand because it works up a sweat and burns calories, and I can do it in my living room. Hey, don't knock folks for actually trying to get in some exercise.
  • cjam134
    cjam134 Posts: 24 Member
    i did try each of the stages once, and still don't understand how people can constantly post they are going to do it for 30 days straight, the same workout dvd.

    I like doing the same routine over and over. I get a better work out when I'm familiar with the moves. I don't seem to get such a good work out the first time I try new exercises because I'm focusing more on learning correct form. Once I've figured out the form, I get really get down to working my muscles and cardio. That said, I do switch it up but with a suite of familiar things.
  • gracielynn1011
    gracielynn1011 Posts: 726 Member
    I like them because I don't have funds for a gym membership, and I do not have time for a trip to the gym because I have a full time job and 3 kids and a husband and a home to care for.

    I can do a quick 30 min cardio dvd at home while supper is cooking and have the DVD to keep me on track as far as timing for the moves and reps. If I don't have someone there to say "ok now switch to this" I will lose focus and can't keep track of the time.

    I also do a dumbbell weight routine from muscleandstrength.com 3x a week to focus on strength.
  • lovesweetlove
    I think the 30DS is hard and have never been past the first level. I don't enjoy it but it is a quick, easy workout for home when I can't make it to the gym. It's one of the ONLY fitness videos I can stand to do.