Am I being rude if I...



  • dmags
    dmags Posts: 303
    oh, and not rude. My cousin is a vegetarian and I welcome it when she brings something. It makes my life easier and I feel better as the host.
  • rcatr
    rcatr Posts: 374 Member
    I don't think it's rude but I also agree with some other commenters that this is a lifestyle change and this isn't the last bbq or lunch date you're going to be a part of. I would maybe prepare something healthy to bring to the party and just fill the majority of my plate with that. Or, just plan my calories for the day with the bulk of them being around the bbq. It's a one off occurance that isn't happening every day so I think it will be alright. And the playdate, i think the previously suggested picnic is a great idea or maybe a cheaper healthier salad/sandwich place in your neighborhood? So many restaurants have their nutrition content listed online, I think you'll be able to find something agreeable and affordable for both of you.
    And as for the snide comments...well, I think that it either comes from a place of not understanding or, honestly, jealousy. It's a human response. I think it's easier for us here to all be supportive for one another cause we're more or less in the same boat with the same general goals in of course we're happy for each other. Just stay positive and strong about your choices :)
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    Am I being rude if I bring my own "dinner" to a cook out? When I am not at home controlling my ingredients and portions I usually end up blowing the day. We have friends that want us to hang out all the time, and my main problem with going is not being able to control the food. They usually prepare the food and we kick in money since we live so far away. Would it be rude for me to bring my own food so that I know my calorie content? When I mentioned before to them that I was counting calories I got a lot of snide comments about it so I'm just trying to prepare myself and stay on track.

    Any thoughts?

    Also, when I visit for a play date my friend always wants to eat lunch out, how do I get out of that? Besides it being costly, and usually not diet friendly I have stomach issues and get an upset stomach easily when I eat fast food. Could I pack my own lunch for that too?

    I don't want to look like I'm cheap or too good to eat with her but I keep falling off the wagon and I need to get it right and stay on.
    No way is it rude to bring your own food. You can take what you need and just hand it over to the cook with a compliment to their cooking skills. If you have stomach issues, they will understand.
    As far as eating out goes, maybe do it once a month, or suggest inviting her over to your home for a lunch. Again, with stomach issues, she should understand and probably wouldn't be offended. :flowerforyou: