Newbie here - Essex

Hi everyone
I'm Paul from Essex a complete newbie to both myfitnesspal and attempting to lose weight and change of lifestyle.

2 days in and so far so good. Amazed to see how much salt and sugar l am actually consuming.

Hardest bit for me will be cutting down on the Chocolate/Sweets and getting the motivation to actually make use of the gym membership l have.


  • Mikemax125
    Mikemax125 Posts: 108
    Congrats man, take all the info you can in from all these great and knowledgeable people here in the community. You will learn a lot if you stick to it and keep logging your foods!
  • sueb12345678
    sueb12345678 Posts: 41 Member
    Hi paul im a essex girl myself good luck on your journey :)