How do you stop sweets craving?



  • M______
    M______ Posts: 288 Member
    I think the key is to start loving the food that loves you back. Something that opened my eyes was a freshly made kale,cucumber,celery,apple + ginger juice. I had it after work, normally very tired after work and not likely to really wake up again. The juice was the only thing I had ever had that managed to make me feel awake for the rest of the day.

    I think there are great alternatives for everything you'll miss. You will miss sweet things for a little while, especially fizzy drinks and perhaps chocolates. I make sure I have things in house that will give me that fix but in a healthy way. Cacao + brazil nut spread, different organic cacao cookies. Fruits, dried fruits etc. Nuts too, especially walnuts with himalayan sea salt, really recommend those if you can find them.

    Those kind of things are my treats now and I actually prefer them to the old chocolate bars. I did crave fizzy drinks for a while because it felt like nothing would really hit the spot like a fizzy drink. The cravings cooled down after a while tho, probably aided by the changes I made from above.

    Welcome to the site :)
  • cybersheel
    cybersheel Posts: 145 Member
    I love sweet stuff too and changed to 2 squares Lindt dark chocolate, any flavour everyday. Just increase the exercise you do to allow for it if you want more. You'll binge if you don't. Also the fruit advice is a good one. Weight watchers dessert yoghurts are good too. Good luck.
  • Thank you everyone for the great advices!
    I'll definitely try dark chocolate and low calorie ice cream bars occasionally :heart:
    The lemon juice and minty food sounds like a good idea too :smile:
    I guess I'll self discipline myself in a "not-toooo-harsh" way :tongue:

    Thanks so much guys! :flowerforyou:
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Vanilla scent.

    Candle, oil, perfume..... anything vanilla. It tricks your mind into thinking you have eaten something sweet.
  • Vanilla scent.

    Candle, oil, perfume..... anything vanilla. It tricks your mind into thinking you have eaten something sweet.

    Sounds genius, thanks :)
  • Nutella91
    Nutella91 Posts: 624 Member
    protein powder, fruit, coffee, diet coke. but let yourself have something sweet in moderation every day just so you don't go nuts
  • AmberleyAngel
    AmberleyAngel Posts: 160 Member
    Sugar is an addiction. I've replaced it with sugar-free lollies, no sugar dded chocolate and diet drinks when I need a sweet hit. Gum is great (beneficial for the teeth too). Weight watcher's jelly is a great low-cal go-to.
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    Hi there :)
    I was really active with soccer and cross country but four months later I gained more than 8 pounds :(
    Don't know how to motivate myself to lose weight, I have a low self esteem because of my appearance now. I'm hoping that by joining my fitness pal you guys can all motivate me, and I'll do my best to do the same for you guys too :)

    So my first question: How do I stop sugar and sweets cravings? I love chocolate and sweets <3 It's been a problem these past months /: Please help me!

    Thank you [: <3

    This was always a big problem for me -- I would eat instant oatmeal (with sugar) and be "starving" by the time I arrived at work. I agree with other people who've said it's an addiction. If you eat regular meals so you're full, eat veggies like broccoli. and cut out all sweets except a piece of fruit like an apple, then the cravings should go away. I started doing this in March and actually feel good during the day instead of craving junk all the time. I also don't put sugar in my coffee.
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    I eat a small piece of dark chocolate when I crave sweets!!!
  • This was always a big problem for me -- I would eat instant oatmeal (with sugar) and be "starving" by the time I arrived at work. I agree with other people who've said it's an addiction. If you eat regular meals so you're full, eat veggies like broccoli. and cut out all sweets except a piece of fruit like an apple, then the cravings should go away. I started doing this in March and actually feel good during the day instead of craving junk all the time. I also don't put sugar in my coffee.

    Thanks for the advice [:
    My family used to purchase instant oatmeal but as you stated it does have looooads of sugar. So we switched to steel cut oats, I add milk, a bit of sugar, and some fruit :)
    Again, thank you [:
  • Sugar is an addiction. I've replaced it with sugar-free lollies, no sugar dded chocolate and diet drinks when I need a sweet hit. Gum is great (beneficial for the teeth too). Weight watcher's jelly is a great low-cal go-to.

    What type of gum do you use? Would Trident be a good one?
    Thank you :)
  • ruth1104
    ruth1104 Posts: 40 Member
    Sweets are a big problem for me too, but I find the less I have them the less I want them (like everyone else is saying, sugar really is an addictive) and eating less sugar has had the biggest effect on my weight loss. Saying that, if I really really want it, I'll walk to the shop and buy the smallest bar of chocolate I can find because it's ok occasionally! And on oats, I find that cooking them with a bit of fruit and cinnamon means I don't need it sweetened anymore. Good luck!
  • lisamarie1780
    lisamarie1780 Posts: 432 Member
    You don't have to cut out sweet things entirely, just choose better quality stuff. I love dark chocolate, it is really rich and so you don't need to eat as much. It satifies my sweet tooth plus it's quite good for you :)
    I also eat fruit if I am craving sugar, it does a job!
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    I eat a small piece of dark chocolate when I crave sweets!!!

    I have no control... to heck with the small square! I eat whatever is in front of me, the whole bar, everything, like a goat, LOL. I have better luck with an apple.
  • I love my chocolate and sweet things and I can honestly say I haven't cut it out completely, you are set a calorie goal as long as you cut back on something else for your sweet treat then I see no harm, I have still managed to lose weight eating a daily freddo for example :-)
  • IMO (and I obviously don't have much of a track record here since I've only been working at this problem since February - 31 pounds gone though!), you absolutely don't need to avoid sweets altogether. I routinely indulge in something and because I do, I don't feel like I need to hunt it down and gobble down humongous portions any time I get near it.

    Case in point? I'm a chocoholic. I make no bones about that. Give me chocolate or give me death (not literally, but you get the point). Before I started on this, I could and would eat TONS of it. If it were near me, it'd be eaten. I've gotten a handle on it now because being in a lifestyle change hasn't meant I "couldn't" have it, just needed (desperately) to moderate it. I've gotten good enough at restraint that I have a bag of dark-chocolate M&M's in my desk and I don't eat them much. I know how many M&Ms make up a serving (210 calories for a 1/4c, which is roughly 60 M&Ms). When I really feel like I "need" a hit of chocolate, I have a half-serving. End of story. It kills my chocolate need, I feel good because I didn't go crazy, and (most of the time), I end up not needing/wanting a snack in the afternoon after that.

    But, as with all things, this is what works for ME. Just a thought.
  • M______
    M______ Posts: 288 Member

    Thanks for the advice [:
    My family used to purchase instant oatmeal but as you stated it does have looooads of sugar. So we switched to steel cut oats, I add milk, a bit of sugar, and some fruit :)
    Again, thank you [:

    Been there. Even oats don't satisfy me in the morning, I need to add chia seeds. They don't distort the taste at all. You mix them with a little water and stir til they form a gel like consistency, then add them to the cooked oats.

    Gonna try to add an image.

    Edit that didn't work! I'll copy the information over.

    2 tablespoons have 100% more omega 3 than salmon, over 40% of your daily fiber, 6x more calcium than milk, 30+% of your daily magnesium, 16% complete vegetable protein, 6x more iron than spinach, 60+% more potassium than banana, more niacin than corn, rice or soy, twice as many anti oxidants than blueberries.

    All of that goodness leaves you feeling very content. I've never felt too full which is great, but I can happily go and work an active job for 6 hours before needing to eat again. I don't tend to get any cravings when I have chia seeds. They are worth looking in to. You can add them to anything. Smoothies, meals etc.
  • jsidel126
    jsidel126 Posts: 694 Member
    I made diet/sugar free drinks my solution for sugar cravings. (Little to no calories.) Since doing so my craving have significantly decreased since these products are sweet enough and available to keep me happy. Now I no longer have cravings for ice cream, etc. (I do eat them once in a while.) Now I crave vegetables more than ice cream, candy bars, etc.
  • SenseiCole
    SenseiCole Posts: 429 Member
    up until the last week day i hadnot had any choc in about a month however the last 3 day I've had this thing with choc so what i do is have one small piece of very dark choc

    in nz we have Whitakers - Dark Ghana Chocolate, 7 grams 39cals and that does it for me

    and i use quote I've used this one alot today I help it helps 'It isn't the mountains ahead to climb that wear you out; it's the pebble in your shoe'

    so get the pebbe out of your shoe and carry on :smile: and remember one step at a time and you will do it
  • Pasukaru2
    Pasukaru2 Posts: 39 Member
    I've had those sugar cravings a lot at first, and realised it was better if I actually ATE something sweet in little quantity to avoid bigger cravings. Now when I crave chocolate a LOT I just add some unsweetened cocoa powder to my vanilla yogourt. Not a lot of calories added, and usually stops the craving for a while ^^ Fruits also helped me a lot!