"I give up"

TexasLass Posts: 16 Member
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
That's what I was thinking this morning. I've felt pretty terrible all day, just blah. I know looking at the scale I was loosing, and some pants I haven't been able to button comfortably since before my son was born (in December) buttoned with a little extra room on Friday...but I just wasn't feeling it overall today. So, I was thinking today I wasn't going to count calories, I was just going to eat what I felt like, since in my head I didn't feel any different.

But then, I got on the scale for a weigh in, and it was down even more! I've half met my first goal! I wanted to get out of the "obese" range and/or down to 200 lbs (obese for me is 203.9) by the 24th, and I weighed 202! So I'm officially out of the obese range for BMI! I was so ecstatic to see that, meeting that first goal has really given me the motivation I needed to keep going, and while those M&M's look great, they aren't worth it. (I did sneak one and honestly it tasted WAY to sweet & salty at the same time!)

So this is day 20 since I've started MFP and I'm down 5.5 lbs!


  • neenaleigh
    neenaleigh Posts: 584 Member
    good for you! dont give up! you can give yourself a cheat here and there and still lose! just think about all you have accomplished! the days i want to quit, i just tell myself, go ahead and lose it! do what you want, tomorrow is a new day! just dont give up forever!
  • melathon
    melathon Posts: 246 Member
    Good for you!! You CAN do it. There are lots of awesome, supportive people here to help.
    I am also shooting for 200#, ultimately 170-180. I just have to remind myself that Slow and Steady wins the race. Keep it up! :flowerforyou:

    I don't know who said it, but one quote that I always say to myself when tempted by crap that I shouldn't eat is: "Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels."

  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    Congrats....never give up....give yourslef a cheat item once per week...if that will help you through your week

    Never give up....keep going strong

  • SammiAnne11
    SammiAnne11 Posts: 158 Member
    Great job! Remember this is a journey, not a sprint! Take each day to feel good, and work towards a healthy life!
  • Lusadi
    Lusadi Posts: 79
    That's fantastic! Congratulations on the new arrival in your life. If you do happen to be nursing, remember that you're still carrying a lot of extra weight in your breasts. When I finished, it was an instant weight loss of about 5 lbs. My dh remarked that was because I quit carrying a gallon of milk around.
  • Congratulations on your weight loss!! Keep going!!
    I think cheat foods are fine just as long as you keep it in your calorie goal for that day. That's what I do and I always manage to stick in my calories.
  • baggins706
    baggins706 Posts: 310
    Congratulations on the weight loss, Way-2-Go!
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    A few thoughts for a really pretty mum :flowerforyou:...
    I know looking at the scale I was loosing, and some pants I haven't been able to button comfortably since before my son was born (in December) buttoned with a little extra room on Friday...

    They say that your body changes over 9 months during pregnancy, so it needs 9 months to get back in shape. To me it looks like you're doing really well on meeting this goal! :flowerforyou:.
    So I'm officially out of the obese range for BMI! I was so ecstatic to see that, meeting that first goal has really given me the motivation
    So this is day 20 since I've started MFP and I'm down 5.5 lbs!

    Wow, that is awesome! :drinker:

    Now let me ask you, you want to give up what? Are you undereating? Do you constantly feel hungry and deprived? Do you hate exercising? Or do you just want to give up eating healthy and want to go ahead and binge if you feel like it?

    Here's a few of ideas:
    - eat right. Replace a bag of M&M's by fruit and one M&M, for the craving (like you said you just did)
    - drink plenty of water - you might feel hungry when you're just thirsty
    - don't let yourself starve. You might go over your calories by 200 today, but if it's healthy stuff (some cheese, veggies, some lean protein) then you're fueling your body (while also tricking it that it gets 200calories more from today on, when tomorrow it will instead get less :wink:)
    - go for long walks with your son - this will give you extra calories to eat :smile:. Or dance. :wink:
    - reassess your goals: do you want to just lose weight or learn a healthier lifestyle? If the second is the case, then don't ever give this up!

    And, btw, you don't need to lose weight to make the ones around you like/love you. I'm sure they :love: you for what you are! Just be confident in yourself and your strength to do this and try to see yourself through their eyes - you might be amazed by how beautiful you are :flowerforyou:.

    Congratulations for your son and can't wait to see you progress photos! :flowerforyou:
  • Nharley
    Nharley Posts: 201
    Congradulations! Keep up the good work! I have had a few of those days myself. I still try to push forward...even if all I do is walk the dog, at least I feel I am doing something.
  • lindsayn3
    lindsayn3 Posts: 2 Member
    Congrats and keep up the good work! It's always so refreshing to see others' success!! You're doing a great job, and will continue this success for a long time to come!!
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