
I had the lapband on February 9th, 2006 and I lost 91 lbs .. I was down to 303 at one point. But for some reason, I am not really sure what it was .. but I gave up. A month or so ago I was at about 405 lbs, now I am finally down to 385 lbs. I have the tool to help me, but I haven't been using it. I have found that I am not really hungry, that most of my eating comes from boredom or emotion and being at this weight there is a lot of both of those. I can not, absolutely can not get over 1200 calories a day. When I really think about it. When I was just pigging out and didn't care ..then of course I could eat it, it didn't even face me .. I pushed through the pain, but the food is too good so I kept eating and shoveling it in. My band is probably super stretched out by now. I know I need to go in and get it filled, but I am really kind of embarrassed for myself ... to see my lapband doctor and nurses and for them to see me how I gained all this weight back. I know they are there to help me and won't judge me .. but in the back of my mind I feel they will. So I am going to work on it, and be strong and lose some weight before I go back in .. or do you think I should just suck it up and go??


  • BeautifulScarsWECHANGED
    BeautifulScarsWECHANGED Posts: 749 Member
    I'm not too sure what kind of advice I can give you. If the lap band didn't work before, chances are it's not going to work again until you get the emotional eating under control. We're starting a book club on Tuesday, the book is called "Woman, Food and God" by Geneen Roth that adresses these issues. It was seen on Oprah last week and is on the Bestseller list. I'm not religious myself and of course I'm not sure if you are, but "God" in this book is not in the bible-thumping sense so don't let that scare you. Look it up and join us if you'd like! It can't hurt right? :happy:
  • SassyMissDasha
    Yeah that sounds great, I will look into it!
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    I don't know what the dietary restrictions are with the lapband, but one way I added more calories when I was struggling was by cutting out all the "diet," "free," and "reduced" stuff. Instead of skim milk, I switched to 2%. Instead of fat free sour cream, I went back to regular. It adds in some extra calories without adding any extra food. You can also add some peanutbutter to one of your snacks. I also started drinking a glass of milk with my dinner. I saw that you do slim fasts for breakfast and dinner. Maybe try switching to Ensure or a protein shake of some kind for one of those that adds some calories. Just some suggestions.

    As far as the doctor thing, while I understand your motivation for not going yet, I would suck it up and do it. You're not the first person this has happened to. You won't be the last. The difference is, you are asking for help in getting back on track! Keep up the good work!:flowerforyou:
  • Garcialynne
    Garcialynne Posts: 33
    I would go in and talk to my docotr and see what he says. It the lapband will help in some way that would be great. I am working towards gettig mine done...Here in Alberta Canada it is a little harder to get it done and there are a bunch of classes that you have to take. I would say go talk to the professionals and maybe they can set something up to help you with the emotinal eating...It will not hurt at all
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    I'm betting there is something else going on here. You've acknowledged the emotional eating and the bingeing. I think you need to deal with those. The lap band is a tool to help you reduce what you eat, but it won't fix why you eat.

    You're going to have to face what ever the issues are that you are having. I've had to do it and am still dealing with it, so I know it's not easy, by ANY means. But staying home and ignoring it, won't make you progress. Your doctor will have access to a number of resources that you should take advantage of. He/she is there to help you, not make fun of you or make you feel like a horrible person. With that said, don't think that a visit won't be critique free. Sometimes you have to really see what you've done to know how to change. (If I could tell you how many offices I've bawled in...)

    You can do it! The hardest step is admitting you need the help. :) They'll pride you for calling them.
  • SassyMissDasha
    Yeah I had to have all the classes too .. the only problem is my doctor's office is like an hour from where I live it was hard to go to the after the lapband support groups .. and I didn't go. So maybe that played a factor in why I didn't succeed as well. I don't eat the diet stuff either, I eat the regular food ..the only diet stuff I eat is the Slim Fast. I use Vitamin D milk even in like my mashed potatoes and that. I think I will just suck it up and go. I have to get the money together first, it costs $200 dollars a year for a year of fills and appointments.
  • Melanie1967
    Melanie1967 Posts: 238 Member
    Hang in there Sassy! At one time I wanted to get the lapband, but couldn't afford it and no health insurance. Now, I am glad I didn't. I am loosing it on my own. I have been heavy, all of my life. I have been termed "obese", since I was 14 years old, when I got pregnant in the 8th grade. I was raped at 12, cause I was the girl with the "boobs". DUMB BOY's, they weren't "boobs", it was fatty tissue. When I got pregnant at 14 I weighed 150lbs, and put on 45 lbs during that pregnancy. I have never been under 175 since then. I had 3 more pregnancies between 17 and 22. I have 5 BEAUTIFUL children, (set of twins in there). I kep't at least 20lbs per pregnancy so I have never been under 200lbs since I was 17 years old. Now at 43, I am paying for it. My record high was 1/10, 255lbs. I had lower umbilical hernia surgery 9/1/09. In 1/10, I was diagnosed with a extremely large upper umbilical hernia. My surgeon said I needed to loose 50lbs before I had this one fixed or it would come right back. So, I went on a diet by myself, got to 247lbs 3/10. Then my niece turned me on to this site. I started 3/18/10, and am down to 216lbs. My family dr. wants me to get to 180lbs, which will put me out of the obese catagory before I have the surgery. So, after loosing 32lbs so far, I walk around looking 6 months pregnant from the hernia. My dr. has me on limited exercise also because of it. Walking, no more then 2.0 mph, and bike riding. I bought a Richard Simmons Sweating to the Oldies, my doc said no! So that is hurting me with my exercise. I will get there slowly, then get the surgery done. One step, one pound at a time. Don't be embarrassed to go talk to your doc about getting it resized. They understand that this is not easy, and we sometimes fail. I'm sure he will be happy to see you getting back on track! Keep that pretty chin up, and keep up the good work!
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    Yeah I had to have all the classes too .. the only problem is my doctor's office is like an hour from where I live it was hard to go to the after the lapband support groups .. and I didn't go. So maybe that played a factor in why I didn't succeed as well. I don't eat the diet stuff either, I eat the regular food ..the only diet stuff I eat is the Slim Fast. I use Vitamin D milk even in like my mashed potatoes and that. I think I will just suck it up and go. I have to get the money together first, it costs $200 dollars a year for a year of fills and appointments.

    I know it's expensive, but you are the best investment. Think about how much MORE money you spend on clothes, for example. That $200 can easily be made up in what you'll save by being able to buy "normal" people clothes. (I remember when I had gotten to a size 18 and was thrilled to go to Old Navy and get $20 jeans instead of $60 jeans at Lane Bryant) Right now I'm spending more than I want to for a personal trainer and ED counseling, but I know it'll help me in the long run.

    Plus, there are silly things you can do to get that money. Sign up with and you can get free stuff for doing nothing. Redeem your points for gift cards, then put the money you would have spent towards your doctor. My mom did secret shopper stuff when I was a kid to earn some money. Look around and I bet you can get that cash together quicker than you thought! :)
  • SassyMissDasha
    That's a good idea! I already do MyPoints and I am a member of the Pinecone Research panel. I don't get much, but I could save it up. Thanks for all your encouragment! I think I will just ask my mom for some money to help me get back to it ..because she already said she would help me out.
  • robinsonmsn
    robinsonmsn Posts: 16 Member
    Great quote. Going to put it on my vision board.

    One step, one pound at a time!
  • khacker1
    khacker1 Posts: 6

    I totally know what you are saying. I have struggled to lose the 80lbs I have in the past 20 months. The band is helpful, but only if you see the dr or np to help you get to where you need to be. I had a stuck episode that sent me to the emergency room in January. I had to have a total removal and start over. That was pretty expensive. I have been trying to go back in to see the dr to get back up to a good fill level. It is really hard right now because I can eat more that I should. I have gone back up about 10 lbs since January, but honestly couldn't afford a 40 dollar fill now. (hubby was laid off 10 months) Now that he is back to work I am going to go back in and see about an adjustment. I also know I have been slacking on the exercise. I personally do much better with exercise. So my advise, make sure you are exercising, drinking lots of water, keeping your protein level up and keep your chin up. You can do this. You just need to use your tools, the lapband, my fitness pal and us! Good luck to you! I know you can do it!:flowerforyou: Kelli
  • annecolorgreen
    annecolorgreen Posts: 116 Member
    I just saw this post and I know it is an "old" one. I also saw that it looks like you have been doing better! Yay!

    Did you go back to the doctor? If you haven't, you definitely should. You should also make it a point to go to the support group will be well worth your time/money for the one day a month. OR, is there something closer?

    I had lapband surgery in October 2008 and almost immediately lost 70 lbs. Guess what? Haven't lost anything in well over a year. But, I have also not gained and that is how the band has really helped. I KNOW that I would have otherwise. Also, being part of our support group system has also played a part. The nurses who run the classes say over and over how important it is to follow up with the doctors. I know it makes a difference. And they definitely know that we all aren't perfect ;-).

    I'm so glad that I found this site. I really think it's going to help me be accountable to myself and others.

    Glad to see another "band buddy" :).