What am I doing wrong?

Really frustrated today... I did my weekly weigh in and I've gained 1.5 pounds. We have been eating out for dinner lately but I've stayed within my calorie goal (MFP says 1450 but using the TDEE method it says almost 1900 so I stay around 1800). Help!


  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Restaurant food is very high in sodium generally so you'll be retaining some water. Also you can't be sure of tdee calculations, there's always a margin of error. Are you sure of the cals in your dinners out?? I was shocked once when the bowl of pasta and chicken I had ended up being 1600 cals (checked the website later).
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    1.5lbs is well within normal body weight fluctuation. Worry less about the day-to-day and week-to-week changes... pay more attention to the longer term trends in your weight.

    Additionally, a lot of restaurant food is really high in sodium which can lead to greater water retention, which could easily show 1.5lbs on the scale.

    Doesn't sound like you are doing anything wrong, just sounds like your expectations are a little out of whack.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    If you've been having a lot of meals out it is usually hard to accurately log food so it may be that you've been going over.

    Restaurant meals are usually higher in sodium than most of us would make at home too so you could just be retaining water from too much sodium.

    Try to stick to homemade meals as much as possible and weigh all your food.