Strength training program needed!!!

Good morning All!!

I just finished training for and running my first 1/2 marathon and then back to back 10K the past 2 weekends. (Yay!) While I was training I wasn't on MFP really at all, and didnt track my nutrition too much because I ran so much I ate whatever I wanted.... (I know, not real smart)... as a result, my weight didn't drop at all, even though my clothes started fitting a little better. So, that's the background story, now I'm done with the races, done with the training, and trying to get back on track to lose 30lbs and get strong and healthy. I did really well with a strict, structured running routine (Hal Higdon), and I'm feeling a bit lost now. I've thought about doing the "insanity" dvds, or something (anything!) spelled out for me... I'm looking for advice and recommendations. I'd like to do 5 days a week 30-60min a day plus an active rest 6th day. Preferrably something I can do at home (at least 3 days a week), since I have 3 little ones and a husband that works weird hours... any and all feedback would be greatly appreciated!!! Have a great day! Thanks! Steph


  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    More likely than not, you can probably gain some strength doing calithenics (bodyweight exercises). There are a limited number of exercises that you can do this way, so you probably want to work out all muscle groups in the same day, doing something like a total body workout with rest days in between.

    If you've never done this kind of exercise in the past I think you will get a lot of mileage out of something like this. Eventually you will have to start lifting heavier though, and you might want to purchase some free weights that are HEAVY and enough to challenge you sufficiently (no 5 lbs weights lol)

    Try this routine out: