Calculating Help

I am Kim, I have been with MFP for about 2 months maybe and I have done pretty good so far. I have been adding recipes as I make my homemade meals and I have found a problem with a recent recipe. I hope someone can help me. I am making a homemade roast with potatoes and carrots. The problem I am running into is how to accurately calculate the meal. When MFP calculates the meal, it includes the broth I use but no one eats the broth. It has only been added to help cook the meat and veggies. So how would I calculate the amount of calories that I would actually consume that cooked into the food? Also, according to the serving size of 4oz, my meal would feed 16 people based on the weight of the roast but the veggie will not serve 16. Someone please help me with the best way to calculate this!