Introducing my self

Hello every one. I am sort of new to this mesageing board. I am trying to eat healthy and exercise to loose the wieght before my wedding. I have a little over a year now and I would like to be able to say ya I did it. Does anyone have any good suggestions for foods to eat that will help in the stomach area as well as exersizes for that area too.


  • amandamoo
    Hello every one. I am sort of new to this mesageing board. I am trying to eat healthy and exercise to loose the wieght before my wedding. I have a little over a year now and I would like to be able to say ya I did it. Does anyone have any good suggestions for foods to eat that will help in the stomach area as well as exersizes for that area too.
  • heatther
    heatther Posts: 227 Member
    Amanda welcome! Congrats on your wedding! :flowerforyou: I am trying to lose weight for my wedding too. I only have 7 months to go and 60lbs! You can do it girl! I have pictures of the wedding dress I want all over the house so I get motivated. I put it on the frigde too so I don't eat! Ha Ha Ha!

    Good luck! If your need anything let me know!
  • areay
    areay Posts: 463
    You can do it!!! Everyone is really supportive here if you need anything. You have to be the one and go out and do it!
  • MontanaGirl
    MontanaGirl Posts: 1,251 Member
    Welcome - Glad you found us!! Eat foods with lots of fiber, and make sure you drink your water. Also, higher protein foods as opposed to simple carbs like bread, etc., will help you feel fuller, longer. Congrats on your wedding :drinker:
  • neome90
    neome90 Posts: 420
    welcome and congrats! I have found mfp to be "the right place to be" to help obtain our goals. Also I agree that I have found drinking water throught - out the day and eating high protien foods help much better to keep that "Hunger" at bay. Glad you are here!:flowerforyou: