Squat challenge



  • murphy612
    murphy612 Posts: 734 Member
    Ugggg why so many? It seems like a seriously inefficient way to exercise. I thought I would join when I thought it would be sets/reps and gradual increase in weight.

    Good luck everyone!
  • najlaamundson
    najlaamundson Posts: 46 Member
    Squats ARE a great way to tone up and put a bit of muscle on you to help burn calories - but be careful! Make sure your form is spot on and don't do super deep squats. Unfortunately, I went to a trainer who had me do a ton of deep squats during one session and my knees are ruined. Finally ended up at an orthopedic doc - I cannot do squats anymore and for the last 6 months I've had to give up running. I don't know if I'll be able to run again.

    So - again... just be really really careful.
  • jack_yve
    jack_yve Posts: 35
    Walk 1 mile daily

    D1 6 squats
    D2 6 squats
    D3 12 squats and 12 lunges
    D4 rest
    D5 12 squats/12 lunges/12 sidesteps TODAY! :happy:

    whooo hoooo
  • sauci
    sauci Posts: 94 Member
    DAY 6 DONE! Feeling good!:wink:
  • Found this paper about low load high volume resistance being more effective than high load low volume for muscle anabolism, I always though more weight was the way to go but I might be wrong.


    Defo going to give this challenge a go and see....might add a 10 pound barbell to give this challenge a bit extra umph.
  • jack_yve
    jack_yve Posts: 35

    Very very interesting. Thank you for posting this, I went to that site and wowsa it scared the heck out of me. :P

    It was seriously technical. I think I might need a medical and chemistry degree to read it :) but I got the general intent and since I kept running into words that I TOTALLY didn't understand I started some google searchs to get a better/easier to understand overview. I think I got it. But these helped me with a little less tech-speak





    So this is what I took away from all of these, and since I am really just starting to rebuild and do not have a healthy frame to start with, I'd like to try to build healthy without aggravating my joints or causing additional damage.

    1) need to comsume protein/food before the workout to give our body something to work with in the muscle building process
    2) need repetitive motion say 5 sets/5 reps with multiple small breaks till you can't and get to a "No More, PLEASE" stage
    3) need to rest, rehydrate and stimulate the muscles i.e. massage immediately afterwards to release any toxins

    Does that sound right, to do daily? Let me know if you think I got it wrong.
  • jack_yve
    jack_yve Posts: 35
    D**n it, :mad:
    over did it Friday and my knee flared up so I couldn't do any squats or walking on Saturday. It's better today so
    Day 7 - 0
    Day 8 - 2 sets of 8 squats and 2 sets of 8 side steps