Need Motivation

Anyone have any tips on how to stay at the right weight? My problem is I loose weight and the next week I gain it back even if I didn't change a thing. I need some help, ideas, motivation. I'm getting very discouraged. :(


  • jq526
    jq526 Posts: 10 Member
    I encounter the same thing! I'll add you :)
  • dance54
    dance54 Posts: 13
    try mixing things up aliitle bit feel free add me also
  • MsDarlene1004
    MsDarlene1004 Posts: 5 Member
    Are you hitting your target numbers every day?
    Are you eating a protein-based breakfast, lunch and supper every day?
    Are you eating protein-based snacks every 2-3 hours?
    Are you drinking 1/2 your weight of water in ounces every day?
    Are you updating your food log daily?
    Are you getting enough sleep?
    Are you exercising at all?
    Are you on a maintenance program using any type of product?

    I'm down 71 lbs. now and continuing to keep it off and losing more, but I also have a plan for maintenance once I reach my goal weight. Add me if you're interested in finding out more information. :happy:
  • knitwit0704
    knitwit0704 Posts: 376
    Same here. Feel free to add me.