pregnant after bypass

My name is Whitney, I have been heavy my whole life but have be fortunate enough to not let that hold me back. Although I was heavy I still went to school dances, I still had boyfriends and was active in my community with very little bullying or teasing. I had no plans on losing weight, I was "happy" with myself and I certainly had enough confidence for myself in fact I probably could have shared it with others. I was married a little over a year ago and have been with my husband for a little over 4 years. I gained 60 pounds from the time we met to the day we got married. Some had to do with stress some had to do with hormones I was being put on and taken back off of but a lot of it had to do with the fact that I was comfortable. I didn't have to impress him anymore, I could get a double quarter pounder with cheese and extra onions a hot and spicy and a large fry and feel fine, no judgment. I decided I wanted to lose weight because I found out I had pcos (polycystic ovarian syndrome) my doctor told me that unless I dropped the weight I would most likely continue to have the pain associated with the cysts and that it could become extremely difficult for us to get pregnant. I started right away eating right and hitting the gym 5+ times a week, I invested in a personal trainer and evicted junk food from my home and it worked pretty well for the first 2 weeks. I lost 12 pounds in 2 weeks but after that my weight loss came to a stand still, I was still doing everything I was supposed to, my trainer adjusted my program and still no change. I started weightwatchers and followed the plan faithfully to lose 8 pounds in 6 weeks. So after all of the frustration and disappointment I again went to my doctor. She explained that with pcos it can also be hard to lose the pounds once you have put them on almost like an under active thyroid. She knew my family history with bypass and recommended that I have a consultation. Within 2 weeks I had surgery and I would do it a million times over. I was 330 pounds pre surgery and today (12weeks pregnant) I weigh 203 pounds and I am still dropping weight. My surgery was on May 2nd and it has opened my eyes to how little I really could do at 300+ I can run a mile now in 11 minutes it took me 35 minutes to do the mile before and believe me I couldn't run the whole thing. I can buy cute clothes at regular stores, I can comfortably fit into the rides at amusement parks and the biggest of all I was able to become pregnant and make it to the end of my first trimester. I have never been happier with my appearance or the way that I feel and I am so happy that others are on board with getting healthy It will truly change your life. I am happy to be a part of this group now that I am able to incorporate more into my diet I think it will be a good way to keep me accountable!


  • starfinale
    starfinale Posts: 309 Member
    wow that's amazing! congrats on your weight loss so far and the pregnancy! you look great!! I can't wait to lose 100!

    you can add me if you'd like! I need new active friends!