I have two slipped disc's in my back. Need help and guidence

Does any else on this site have health issues that stop or make it harder to workout and hit your goals. If so please contact me letting me know how your health issues have effected you and how you over came them.



  • IrishChik
    IrishChik Posts: 464 Member
    I have degenerative disc disease, my L4 and L5 are pretty wrecked. It makes my right side shorter than my left. My lower back and hip(s) hurt all the time. It has gotten worse over the years despite visits to the chiropractor. I have developed sciatica. Add that on top of my frequent migraines, I am doing good just to get out of bed sometimes. I have found I can not do a lot of jumping around. My chiro has told me that I need to lose weight to help reduce the pain in my back, and make my back stronger. I use an exercise ball and that always makes me feel great. I have an inversion table that helps with the pain a great deal. I do exercise videos at home, things like Slim in 6 and Walk Away the Pounds have less of an impact on my back. I also walk on my treadmill. A good pair of shoes makes all the difference in the world as well. As for the pain, Motrin is the only thing I am allowed to take. Some days it is not enough, so those days I just go easy.
  • Melanie1967
    Melanie1967 Posts: 238 Member
    I have a enlarged upper umbilical hernia. I have had it since January, and had a lower one fixed last September. I look like I am 6 months pregnant. The doctor has placed me on restrictions on exercising. She don't want me to do anything but walking, no faster then 2.0 mph, and riding my bike. I bought a Richard Simmons Sweating to the Oldies video, and she said no. I am in bad pain alot, exercise or not. I try to do my exercising in smaller times. I usually do 10 minutes on the treadmill at a time, then take a break. I try to do it 3-4 times a day, if the pain allows it. The bike don't hurt as bad. I can usually make it 30-45 minutes riding it, and I am even starting to make it up some of the hills around here. My start weight here on 3/18 was 247.7. I am now 216.4. The difference in weight has helped alot with how far I can go on the bike and getting short of breath on the treadmill. My doctor wants me to get under the obese level before I have the next surgery, in hope I won't get another one. 36lbs to go!
  • khk2010
    khk2010 Posts: 451 Member
    I'm having a similar problem. I've had a hip injury and am in pain from it. So far I am sticking to the diet plan but have been unable to do much exercise. I can use light hand held weights and work my upper and even some abs that way. I can do limited crunches. But the how to get the cardio is a question I have as well. I can't walk for more than a few minutes at a time. Swimming has been suggested. Anyone try swimming?
  • NMorse1907
    NMorse1907 Posts: 90 Member
    I have a slipped disc as well and am in constant pain to one degree or another. I find that im most sore after joint impact exercises. (running, jumping, etc..) I do most of my workouts on the eliptical or summit trainer since there is no hard impact. The only way I can do crunches or any abs wkouts is on the exercise ball. I'm hoping cortisone injection will help with the pain...
  • kreffty123
    kreffty123 Posts: 3
    Yea I have some of the same issues, I fell back in July of 09 and its been a nightmare ever since. Visits to every kind of doctor you could think of, 9 different procedures. I am about to under go what’s called a discology or Provocative Discology, they incert 3 needles into your different disc's for me it will be L4-L5 and S1 they shoot die into the disc then create pressure to see which of the disc can take the least pressure. Then once they have filled enough die into each of the disc's they put me in a cat scan and view everything possible, if my disc's are completely ruptured or if they are in enough shape to not need L4-L5 removed and titanium rod put into place. So we will see how things go, I try and get what ever exercises done that I can without making my back worse. So thank you all for sharing with me it helps and I will take some of the advice along with me.
  • IrishChik
    IrishChik Posts: 464 Member
    It was either on sparkpeople or youtube but I saw some exercise videos for people who are confined to a wheelchair. It might be helpful to those who have limited mobility or on doctors orders for no vigorous exercises.