Not losing weight but losing inches?

Does this happen to anyone else? It's a good thing I'm not a weight watchers member. Imagine how frustrating a weekly weigh in would be. Am I the only one with a weird body that hates the scale? please tell me I'm not.


  • jadams1650
    jadams1650 Posts: 139 Member
    You are very lucky. Reducing inches while remaining at weight means you are changing your body composition to a lower BMI. Basically, your body is composed of more muscle now...thereby increasing your resting caloric burn. This also tends to make someone look hot. You should be happy. Hide the scale and put the tape measure where you can get at is a much better measure of progress.
  • rockerchick81
    rockerchick81 Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you. I don't know anything about nutrition and fitness so I guess I'm doing something right. I'll keep it up
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Heck yeah - went six months last year without losing a pound on the scale, but dropped fat and inches during that time, and was out buying new pants a full size smaller! :drinker:

    Scale schmale - inches lost for the win!! :bigsmile:
  • dewsmom78
    dewsmom78 Posts: 498 Member
    I'm having the same issue. I'm actually fluctuating about 2 extra pounds but I've lost 3.5 inches in the past few weeks. Haven't noticed it much in my clothes yet. Hopefully soon.
  • 04ward
    04ward Posts: 196 Member
    I'm having the same issue. I'm actually fluctuating about 2 extra pounds but I've lost 3.5 inches in the past few weeks. Haven't noticed it much in my clothes yet. Hopefully soon.

    I'm with you. I keep losing and gaining the same 4 pounds. I'm not going to get frustrated though because I am losing some inches. I know I have a lot of body fat to lose from all my years of unhealthy eating and starving my body.
  • jen81uk
    jen81uk Posts: 177 Member
    Yeah me too, I've had a gain this week but have lost 2 inches around my chest, hips and half an inch off my bum and thighs \O/ it's frustrating but must be muscle?? Hopefully :P xx
  • sandi117
    sandi117 Posts: 445 Member
    Losing inches is better than the numbers on the scale going down! I actually gained a pound since last week's weigh-in, however I lost 2inches all around (1/2 inch from my waist, 1/2 inch from my hips, little bits everywhere else.) it means you're still losing fat, but muscle is building (assuming you're doing exercises to do so.) It's definitely a good thing because you want to maintain and build muscle while losing fat. Keep in mind that muscle is denser than fat. Two different people who weight the exact same can look totally different because of body fat and muscle mass. Keep it up!
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Does this happen to anyone else? It's a good thing I'm not a weight watchers member. Imagine how frustrating a weekly weigh in would be. Am I the only one with a weird body that hates the scale? please tell me I'm not.

    The scale is sometimes a poor way to measure progress. I'd take inches over weight any day!
  • criscollrj
    criscollrj Posts: 30 Member
    Me too! I've lost no weight since March 23, but have lost another 1 1/4 whole inch around my waist during that time! It will be nice to see that needle move though - hoping for this weekend!
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    What do other people see, the number on the scale or the size of your waist?
  • xMonroeMisfit
    xMonroeMisfit Posts: 411 Member
    I've actually GAINED 6 lbs in 2 months and lost a bit over 4" all around.

    A scale says NOTHING.
  • PrincessEliNa
    PrincessEliNa Posts: 524 Member
    This is me right now. Sometimes (This morning...) I get disappointed when I weigh in, but I am losing inches, and I know that is SOMETHING. :) *BooScale!
  • fireguy262
    fireguy262 Posts: 263 Member
    Back to my early high-school waist size but not really losing weight. Gained a few pounds, hopefully its muscle and not just a result of "ok" eating while going to the gym 4-5 times a week
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    You are very lucky. Reducing inches while remaining at weight means you are changing your body composition to a lower BMI. Basically, your body is composed of more muscle now...thereby increasing your resting caloric burn. This also tends to make someone look hot. You should be happy. Hide the scale and put the tape measure where you can get at is a much better measure of progress.

    You could also be retaining more water. If you want to get a good feel for how much you actually weigh, weight every day at the same time, after using the bathroom, and take the lowest measurement within each 7 day time period.

    You're not likely gaining muscle to replace the weight of the fat loss... it's just impossible to gain muscle as fast as you loose weight. That's a myth unfortunately, although with time you will have more muscle and less fat.

    Right now for instance I'm actually overeating trying to gain weight & muscle and I can only manage to go up 1 lb per week (with maybe a .5 lb increase in muscle if I'm lucky).
  • larsensue
    larsensue Posts: 461 Member
    I'm with you. I keep losing and gaining the same 4 pounds. I'm not going to get frustrated though because I am losing some inches. I know I have a lot of body fat to lose from all my years of unhealthy eating and starving my body.

    Same here but have not lost any inches. VERY FRUSTRATED! I actually went to 1400cals from 1200 to see if it would boost weight loss but so far nothing..... any ideas how to start losing the inches?
  • 4n6babe
    4n6babe Posts: 33 Member
    I'm also kind of stuck in this. My rate of weight loss has decreased significantly over the last month, yet I have lost TONS of inches. I have been visiting a doctor once a month to help me stay on track and this past month she said "What happened?!" when she came in the room because I had only lost 3 lbs this past month, which was a pretty small loss compared to the two months previous. I am kind of bothered by the fact that she said that, even though I pointed out to her that I have lost inches, but it is still bugging me. I have ramped up my amount of cardio because of this but I'm concerned I may be doing too much because I sometimes feel sick. I haven't changed my calorie intake to compensate for the fact that I'm exercising like a crazy person, because she told me not to eat back my exercise calories unless I really feel the need to. Sometimes I get so sick from the extra cardio that I CAN'T even eat more calories lol. So I guess even just by typing this I am realizing I should just forget what she said and keep on doing what I do and if the weight loss is slower, whatever... she can suck it.
  • jeannate52
    jeannate52 Posts: 28 Member
    Me too. Lost 6inches doing 30 day shred and not one pound and I don't care. LOL
  • ChrissieP80
    ChrissieP80 Posts: 112 Member
    "Look at that hot chick who only weighs XXX lbs on the scale" said no-one, ever.

    I'd much rather lose inches than weight!

    To the PP re rate of weight loss having decreased - I'm not a doctor but that does not sound healthy. Exercising to the point of being sick and starving yourself may be why your weight loss is stalling. Please seek further opinions!
  • You are very lucky. Reducing inches while remaining at weight means you are changing your body composition to a lower BMI. Basically, your body is composed of more muscle now...thereby increasing your resting caloric burn. This also tends to make someone look hot. You should be happy. Hide the scale and put the tape measure where you can get at is a much better measure of progress.

    You could also be retaining more water. If you want to get a good feel for how much you actually weigh, weight every day at the same time, after using the bathroom, and take the lowest measurement within each 7 day time period.

    You're not likely gaining muscle to replace the weight of the fat loss... it's just impossible to gain muscle as fast as you loose weight. That's a myth unfortunately, although with time you will have more muscle and less fat.

    Right now for instance I'm actually overeating trying to gain weight & muscle and I can only manage to go up 1 lb per week (with maybe a .5 lb increase in muscle if I'm lucky).

    He ^^ talks sense. For women it's even harder to gain muscle. You need to have a calorie surplus, weight train and take in adequate protein to increase the amount of muscle in your body. If you are not doing any of those things it's near on impossible that you are adding to your muscle mass. Sorry to be a party pooper, just see this myth over and over on here nearly every day and it's getting tired now lol
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    its pretty common actually i know im in this crowd i dropped 4 dress sizes though i will keep it