HELP!!! - Breakfast (or lack thereof) is killing me.



  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Eating two eggs first thing in the morning will increase your weight loss by 60 %. You should try it.

    Just the whites? I heard the yolks make you fat and increase your cholesterol.

    No, you want to stick with whole you'd want to eat the whole egg. Go for 4 WHOLE eggs and you will increase your weight loss by 120%.
  • rabies
    rabies Posts: 62
    I had a friend who was an avid gym rat and she once told me that you should eat something, anything within the first 30-60m after you wake up to jump start your metabolism for the day . I was never a breakfast person either but I started to force myself to have a banana or yogurt or something small as soon as I woke up, and it def made a difference. I found I wasnt over eating when I finally did get around to eating (usually 3-4hr after I woke up). Waiting to eat when you think you're hungry, if you're waiting too long, can actually put your body into "storage/hybernation mode". Your body will think you are in starvation move and turn the food you are consuming into fat bc its storing it for later, when you get your metabolism going right off the bat its going all day. I have also found that I dont eat as much in a sitting, and I've started to get hungry @ b-fast, lunch, and dinner time... with a few easy snacks in between. Im so used to eating something as soon as I wake up I get frustrated at myself if I dont because I can feel it with every meal after and I can tell I dont have as much energy throughout the day.

    First of all, you can't "jump start your metabolism". It only shuts down when you're starving to death, which brings me to my second point; the body doesn't start to act like it's starving because you don't feed it for 12 hours or so. It takes A LONG time for fasting to have any effect on you metabolism. You could skip eating for a whole day, and it wouldn't make much of a difference.
  • rabies
    rabies Posts: 62
    Eating two eggs first thing in the morning will increase your weight loss by 60 %. You should try it.

    Just the whites? I heard the yolks make you fat and increase your cholesterol.

    No, you want to stick with whole you'd want to eat the whole egg. Go for 4 WHOLE eggs and you will increase your weight loss by 120%.

    They need to be raw, of course. 811 4 life!