Can't do a single push up!



  • VegKate
    VegKate Posts: 55 Member
    Yes, you can lose weight without pushups. Weight loss has nothing to do with one specific exercise, it's the combination of calorie restriction and exercise (in general) that causes weight loss.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I recommend you not do Insanity if this is your first exposure to exercise and you are at the level of fitness you are at. It is an advanced users program and you will very likely injure yourself doing the program at this point because you will more than likely be unable to do most of the exercises with proper form.
  • nicoleashley_24
    nicoleashley_24 Posts: 144 Member
    There's plenty of workouts I've done where I needed to modify exercises to fit my current ability or needs (i.e. knee pain!). If you can't do a full pushup, do a modified push-up instead. To answer the question about losing weight without pushups, of course you can!

    I saw someone else mention the 100 pushup challenge. I just wanted to mention that I have done it myself, twice; the first time I did it with modified push-ups. The second time (immediately following the first round), I did them with regular push-ups.
  • 98777
    98777 Posts: 108 Member
    Yes, you can lose weight without pushups. Weight loss has nothing to do with one specific exercise, it's the combination of calorie restriction and exercise (in general) that causes weight loss.

    This person is exactly right!

    Additionally, I can't do any push-ups at all either. I feel your pain. I think it takes a lot of upper body strength to do push-ups in the first place, and when you have 40-50 extra pounds on you, it's nearly impossible. I don't think my thin brother and sister could do a single push-up either if I piled 50 lbs onto their backs...
  • Ice_azure
    Ice_azure Posts: 35 Member
    Thank you folks!!

    I'll definitely consider your advises. I'll gradually do the push ups with wall / table before jumping into real ones! I wonder when ~Sigh

    As seeing the positive results for so many people with Insanity, It made me excited to this programme which can transform in Just 60 days. I needed to lose weight badly in 3 months.

    Today I did the Plyometric Cardio Circuit -(2nd day) I did my best and I couldn't push more, in the last 10 minutes.I was on the ground lying there for atleast 5 minutes! :blushing:
    So all in all I did for 30 minutes my best.

    I'm not following Insanity nutritional plan however I'm having chicken protiens, lentils, brown rice, eggs , milk, fruits such as plums,kiwi, Green salads, cucumbers/tomatoes, fish and skimmed milk tea without sugar! etc

    Will be adding new foods soon.

    I hope I'm doing it right....:bigsmile:

    I believe with effort and courage to cross boundaries I'll do it. ~ However my Vitamin D level was 7 a month ago, taking tablets still so it may have been a bit better than before...Again I think it may still be low and I'm out of breath and tired easily.

    Oh well... Even my husband advised me to start off gradually but I'm INSANE doing INSANITY lol :laugh:

    I hope I can dig deeper! :bigsmile:

    I wish you all best of luck and thanks again to all of you for your input.

  • BonaFideUK
    BonaFideUK Posts: 313 Member
    Here is a good tutorial on how to go from zero to 100 push ups.
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    I think if you like doing Insanity and you are able to scale it down for yourself and it gets you motivated, you should keep going with it. I think the problem doing something that's meant for people in better shape is that it can get discouraging after a while. So if you get discouraged with insanity, don't give up on fitness. As long as you remember that, you'll be fine.

    With the push-ups, figure on taking a month at every new step down if you do it 3 times a week.

    Keep working and it will pay off. Three months ago I couldn't run for longer than 2 minutes, and last night I ran 3 miles. There were times when I felt like it was pointless, there were times when I beat myself up for not being good enough, but I had to work through all that stuff.

    One thing I've learned about athleticism is that it has nothing to do with the amount of push ups you can do or how far you can run, and everything to do with the amount of effort you can put in.