Haven't run in years, am I going about it the right way?



  • sammyneb
    sammyneb Posts: 257
    Sounds like the best bet is going to be to focus on a half for now, and ramp up to a full later on.

    This was a training program for a half I had found earlier today:

    I notice it has a lot of speed-type workouts mixed in there though. Is this a good schedule to stick with, or is it better for me to just focus on getting a lot of miles under my belt for right now?

    I can't get the link to open (froze up my computer) but with it being an intermediate I can kind of guess whats on it. Since you have a pretty good solid running background (even though it was a few years ago) I would think you would be just fine starting out with an intermediate program. You can totally focus on both. The program I"m on right now...I run 4 days a week. Mondays are my easy run days (right now 5 miles), Tuesdays are speed or hills works outs: running a few weeks of hill repeats (those SUCK) and then a few weeks of intervals, either 400 or 800 repeats, wednesday's are typically rest days, Thursdays righ now I double down (run 6 miles with a 3-5 mile temp run, then later on in day a light 2 mile run) Friday's cross train, Saturday long run, sunday cross train.

    the biggest thing I have heard/read, you should only have one "hard" run week (only do speed or hills) once a week. You add the miles slowly to your schedule. no more that 10% increase total for a week. Work up for a few weeks, then back it down for a week, then back up and so on. Run the long runs SLOW like 60 seconds slower than "race pace". The long slow runs help with improving your pace, so don't try to "race" your long runs! That was probably my biggest down fall training for my first 2 halves!