Losing my gym membership this summer, need workout ideas

I'm teaching this summer at a sleep away camp that isn't close to my gym, so I'm freezing my membership for the 7-8 weeks I'll be away. I plan on hiking and jogging at least 3 times a week still but wanted some advice on bodyweight exercises I could do to keep pushing myself without the weights.

Right now I've been doing just a basic barbell workout with 3 sets of 8-12 reps: Squats, Bench, Overhead Press, Dumbell Rows, Overhead Pull [machine] and then curls, reverse curls, tricep press, crunches and some ab and leg machine work. I'm focusing on gaining muscle or at least maintaining my current level of strength, slowly raising the weights with the same number of reps.

At camp I'll probably have time for afternoon runs and hiking with the kids, I'm mostly looking for a good morning workout I can do before reveille each day, or an arm/chest heavy and leg/core heavy one I can alternate.

I was thinking of just doing something like 2-3 sets of 20 burpees with a pushup, then various crunches and planks and either pull-ups or just holds if I can't actually do a pull up. Just a quick 30-60 minute thing I can do each morning in addition to jogging a few miles 3 times a week. Mainly I don't want to lose my upper body strength, it's the first thing to go on my body as my father was a pirate and left me with a sunken chest.

Thoughts? Ideas? Thanks!


  • LJSmith1989
    LJSmith1989 Posts: 650
    I'm teaching this summer at a sleep away camp that isn't close to my gym, so I'm freezing my membership for the 7-8 weeks I'll be away. I plan on hiking and jogging at least 3 times a week still but wanted some advice on bodyweight exercises I could do to keep pushing myself without the weights.

    Right now I've been doing just a basic barbell workout with 3 sets of 8-12 reps: Squats, Bench, Overhead Press, Dumbell Rows, Overhead Pull [machine] and then curls, reverse curls, tricep press, crunches and some ab and leg machine work. I'm focusing on gaining muscle or at least maintaining my current level of strength, slowly raising the weights with the same number of reps.

    At camp I'll probably have time for afternoon runs and hiking with the kids, I'm mostly looking for a good morning workout I can do before reveille each day, or an arm/chest heavy and leg/core heavy one I can alternate.

    I was thinking of just doing something like 2-3 sets of 20 burpees with a pushup, then various crunches and planks and either pull-ups or just holds if I can't actually do a pull up. Just a quick 30-60 minute thing I can do each morning in addition to jogging a few miles 3 times a week. Mainly I don't want to lose my upper body strength, it's the first thing to go on my body as my father was a pirate and left me with a sunken chest.

    Thoughts? Ideas? Thanks!

    Bodyweight excersizes... New rules for lifting. Theres more but I can't think.
  • sdel83
    sdel83 Posts: 2 Member

    they post a new workout everyday. you can do body weight if you don't have weights available. they have older material on www.bodyrock.tv

    i just recently started doing their workouts