new to the web site

I am new to the web site but I have been on the ALLI diet since 1/1/10 ...I needed easier tools for tracking my calories, etc. and this site was recomended to me. I like it!

I am 63 yrs old and I started at 178lbs goal is 130lbs. I have only lost about 15lbs so far, which is very frusterating for me because I stick to the diet pretty good and I walk and jog ( granny jog :laugh: ) about 3 miles several times a week, or for 30 minutes! SO, now I have added some 3lb weights for upper body workout and I have added the ACAI BERRY pills. I don't like going to gyms or fitness center and besides I can't afford it...I go to a lake/park or walk my neigborhood. I would love to have a bike but I just can't figure how to squeeze one into my tiny apt. and there is NO storage here! SO, I'm still thinking on that one!

Right now I am at the point of feeling like I am going to fail and never meet my goal any encouragement or success stories from folks MY AGE group would be great. Thanx and good luck to all. :wink:


  • amandabrady
    amandabrady Posts: 203 Member
    Well, I'm not your age, but I can definitely say that you have people of ALL ages who are here and ready to support you! It sounds like you are on the right track, and although it can be frustrating to wait for results after you've made lifestyle changes, I know you will make progress in due time. Just keep at it, and try to switch up your activities. Summer is just around the corner, and if you're not a gym person then cardio exercises like swimming are an excellent way to introduce your muscles to different movements. If you feel like you've plateaued, I would recommend light strength can invest in a few key pieces of equipment and still be able to do a lot of the exercises from your own home. People who strength train two or three times a week burn more fat and lose more weight than those who just stick to cardio alone! Other than that, I'd say really keep an eye on what is in your food. Sometimes "healthy" foods contain a lot of hidden ingredients and sodium that can make you retain weight. No matter what, each day is a new day, so make it count and never get discouraged...we're all here for you! Best of luck, I know you'll reach your goals if you give it time =)