I have a terrible binging problem-advice needed!



  • Kifissia
    Kifissia Posts: 136
    aww thank you everyone! y'all are so nice! the journal idea is good, but i'm not sure if i could keep up with it. i guess i might as well try, right? :D and i actually go to a psychologist every 2 weeks, but we talk about other issues. i've told her i want to lose weight, but we haven't had a serious discussion about my eating problems.

    MFP, read Geneen Roth 'When Food Is Love', 'Women, Food & God'. Let your psychologist know this is an issue for you. I'm doing all three and am planning on booking an appointment with a registered dietician. I've been an emotional binge eater for 20 years. I tried everything, had started the process of getting gastric bypass. Don't get me wrong- I am still working on binges. They are happening less, they are less intense, I am learning what my triggers are and developing my 'tools' in my toolbox.
  • MsVintageVixen
    Hey Dana,

    I can definitely relate! I've had an unhealthy relationship with food most of my life. I'm in grad school right now (also in the LA area), and the course load and program demands virtually wipes out my social life and fun time. I've had to sacrifice most of the things that made me happy. I noticed that in the past 2 months, I've been binging too. It is so emotional eating, and I know it! High fat and processed food is instant gratification and gives me that euphoria that I'm missing in my life. I may not have time to get ready and go out, but I always have time for oreo cookies! If food is rewarding for you, it may indicate that there is an absence of healthy coping when you get stressed. This might mean figuring out what are the non-edible things in your life that are gratifying and give you a sense of euphoria and bliss. Just my two cents ;)