my proteins say (-)and a number...

so after i type in my meals for the day sometimes it shows in my protein box -10 or - whatever the number may be. is that a good or bad thing. it looks to me that i obviously went over my proteins but is that a bad thing? just so we're all aware i've never gone over -15. to me it looks like a negative sign. please help!!!! :huh:


  • sparkles321
    sparkles321 Posts: 107
    All of the numbers (calories, carbs, protein, etc) are goals. You should be "around" that number for each category by the end of the day. Some days will be over, some will be under. As long as you get close, for all of them, you're in good shape.

    You are correct in that the -15 means you exceeded your protein goal by 15g. You have -15g to go to reach your goal, so you are over that goal.

    Whether or not this is a good thing depends on the whole picture. If all of your nutrient goals are around the goal numbers, I wouldn't worry about it too much. However, if, for example, you are way low on carbs, then you might want to look at giving up some protein so you can increase your carbs without affecting your calories.
  • Families_R_Forever
    Me personally I just watch the cals and carbs. I don't really care much for the rest. I used to try and do them all but it was to hard. I would have enough cals left for dinner but it would put my protein over and it was just to hard juggling food around to make them all right...ya know! :smile:
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I think it's up to you and your situation. I am always a bit over in protein and fiber but I am WAY WAY WAY under in sodium, and under in carbs, under in fat and calories I seem to balance quite well.

    overall I'm pleased with what I eat ...... so I don't see any need to change up my diet.