Beginner: Strength Training

Hi All- I recently started to implement exercise to my daily routine. what do you do for strength training and when did y start incorporating strength training? What are some good strength training exercises for beginner that don't require a gym membership??

Someone recommended dvd or home videos, but can someone recommend a good program video you use at home? It wont be for long term- but something to get started until I can invest in a gym/weights. I'm at 271lbs and have no prior experience with weights or strength training.

Thank you :)


  • Azdevil
    Azdevil Posts: 6
    Hi mmariag! There are several home workouts you can do without weights; such as push-ups, assisted push-ups, seated dips, etc. Youtube is a pretty good source for some home workouts. Though, use those with caution because some of them contain bad form that could cause you to injure yourself.

    The way I would go about choosing a workout: 1) find a workout that you want to do, 2) look up other people who have done the same workout, 3) compare their form, 4) read other's comment on the workout, 5) try the workout, and 6) listen to your body when doing the workout (THIS IS PROBABLY ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT STEPS!).

    An example of a home workout (which I had used in the past when I first started):

    Chest/tricep workout
    1) 15 standard push-ups
    2) 15 seated dips
    3) 15 military push-ups
    4) 15 seated dips with right leg in the air
    5) 15 diamond push-ups (make a shape of a diamond with your hands and put them where your heart would be when going down)
    6) 15 seated dips with left leg in the air
    7) 15 wide hand push-ups
    8) 15 seated dips
    REPEAT the 8 previous steps

    AFTER workout eat protein (this will help your muscles recover from the workout)
    You will likely be sore for a couple days, if you pushed yourself to muscle failure (the point where your muscles give). Which in this workout usually means me falling flat on my face.

    The key is to push yourself. Do not get discouraged if you are not able to do the whole workout. It takes time to build it up.

    I'm not a PT and someone else might have some better advice, but I hope this is helpful.